Recently, I’ve been thinking about the power of thankfulness. How it grounds us in this present moment. How it drives out fear and replaces it with peace. How it leads to real, actual, hold-it-in-your-hands joy. It’s no coincidence that I’ve been reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. As I slowly page through Ann’s journey of eucharisteo—the Greek term for when Jesus broke the bread and gave thanks in Luke 22—I find myself on a closer lookout for reasons to give my own thanks.
2020 was wild and exhausting for many reasons, but in spite of it all, my rearview mirror shows me countless blessings. Silver linings. Little reasons to smile. All-encompassing gifts. And I want to pause for a moment to reflect. To say thank you.
It’s my custom every January to write a blog post looking back at last year’s progress and looking ahead to the new year’s goals. Because those are things I thrive on: setting objectives, measuring my momentum.
But if last year taught me anything, it’s that as good as goals are, I can’t measure the worth of my day, my year, or myself by them.
So THIS year… let’s do it a little differently. Instead of progress, I want to count blessings. And above setting goals, I want to cast a vision.
Pour a cup of coffee, grab your coziest sweater, and let’s reflect and dream together a little.