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Category: Fantasy

5 of The Best Fairytale Retellings on My Bookshelf

Listen up book world, I am on SUCH a fairytale retelling kick these days! (This makes it sound like I’ve been reading a lot, which I’m actually… not. *cries* So “these days” is more like “the past six months.” But that’s a post for another day.) You’d think that with alllll the retellings already out there, we’d be scraping the bottom of the barrel by now. But some of the ones I’ve read recently have become my New Favorite Books of All Time. It seems there’s no end to the creative twists and sparkly new worlds (or dark and gritty depths) to dive into!

So I, your resident fairy godmother, am here to play matchmaker with YOU, dear reader, and five of the best fairytale retellings on my bookshelf. Some are new to me, others I read years ago.

But first before we continue, let us take a moment to mourn our TBRs.

Also please sign this waiver saying I’m not responsible for any injury that may occur when said TBR falls over in the middle of the night and crushes you in your sleep okay thank you carry on.

The Fantasy Month Fandom Tag

Ah, fandoms, how do we love thee! To banish the winter blues, my friend Jenelle Schmidt hosts a fun fantasy-themed celebration every February. Forget about Valentine’s Day and roses and boxes of chocolates.* Why not go for dragons and elves, swords and superheroes, glowing portals and interplanetary adventures?

*Actually, don’t forget about chocolate. I needs it, precious.

This year, the theme is alllll about FANDOMS, whether they’re technically fantasy or not. And because it’s been oh-so-long since I did a blog tag, I decided to snag this one! You, too, can grab Jenelle’s questions and answer them on your own blog, Instagram, or drop your answers into the Void of Darkness That I Just Invented Today.

Here they are, and here… we… go…

Fantasy Month Blog Tag

February has a habit of being bleak and grey and in need of something… fantastical. But thanks to Jenelle Schmidt, this little wintry month has been infused with wonder! dragons! sprawling fantasy worlds! Yep, in case you hadn’t heard yet, February is Fantasy Month (for the fifth year!) and it’s not too late to join the party. More info over HERE.

Aaaand there’s a blog tag floating around, which the wondrous Christine Smith so kindly bestowed upon me. It’s all about fantasy creatures, one of my favorite categories, so here we go!

Autobiography of a Fantasy Character – A Side Quest

Autobiography of a what? What is this? Oh, you know, it’s just Tracey reviving a wildly popular* blog series that she hasn’t continued for TWO YEARS.

*I mean, I thought it was fun. We can all pretend it was wildly popular.

Ahem. So back in the dark ages of January 2018, I began Autobiography of a Fantasy Character, a serial story poking fun at a whole pack of fantasy tropes. But after the third instalment in April 2018 I… kind of stopped. Many thanks to my faithful pal Blue @ To Be a Shennachie for gently giving me a poke and reminding me that at least one person is waiting to see what happens to Hero and Mentor and the elven princess with an unpronounceable name!

Last we saw them, it was a literal cliffhanger—yes, they were leaping off a cliff and into the unknown.