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Category: Fantasy

Know the Novel Part One – Dead Magic

You know how I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I’m participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time in my life? Yeah, well, the planning and plotting of “Preptober” has been… interesting. I’ve been in a weird floating state all month, bouncing between The Brightest Thread edits, short story edits (on Petrichor) and NaNo plotting. With November 1st only two weeks away (!!!), Christine Smith’s “Know the Novel” linkup couldn’t have come at a better time! These questions were just the thing to boost my spirits—and my novel planning.

Silmaril Awards – Strangest Character Winner!

In a wooded glen stands a stage, festooned by banners bearing all manner of strange and unreadable markings. A crowd waits—some standing, others sitting on an eclectic mix of wobbly stools, padded armchairs, oaken thrones, tasseled pillows, and uncomfortable boulders. Whoever set up for this ceremony had odd taste, to be sure.

I step onto stage, clutching an envelope in one hand, and clear my throat. “Welcome, one and all, to the presentation of the Strangest Character Silmaril. This shiny gem is going to be awarded to the person whom you voted as the weirdest—”

Silmaril Awards 2019 Voting Round – Top 5 Strangest Characters

Last week, your enthusiastic nominations came pouring in. I so enjoyed seeing old friends and new faces show up to participate. This week, we’ve come to the voting period! The top five nominees in each category have risen, and now it’s up to you to choose the most worthy!

Before we get to our top five strangest characters, let me just say—hosting forty-two oddballs at my place for a week has been… interesting, to say the least.