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Author: Tracey Dyck


Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23 KJV)



We sing this name at Christmastime. “O come, O come, Emmanuel; and ransom captive Israel . . .” We read it in the story of Jesus’ birth. It is wound into the fabric of this holiday, and yet we skim over its significance.

God with us.

God. Creator of the universe, the One whose words caused a sun to flame into being and a world to burst forth. The One who hung and named the stars, the One who formed a man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into his lungs. The King of all the kings that have ever been or ever will be; the Lord over every lord. A God so big we can’t even begin to comprehend Him, a God who has no beginning or end because He always is. Just a glimpse of His power and majesty is enough to bring us to our knees. This is God.

With. This God pitched His tent among the sweltering throng of humanity. He entered this world in the weakest form possible, in the humblest place possible. He immersed Himself in our reality, in our lives of depravity. He walked the broken shards of our earth. The Author entered the story. Trading the glory of heaven for the constraints of mortal skin, He lived among us. And more than just being here physically, He was with us. On our side. Taking deep interest in us. Piecing our broken parts back together. Feeling our pain and joy and eventually sacrificing absolutely everything for our sake.

Us. Human beings, each one flawed. Individuals with struggles and cravings and skewed vision and inflated egos and world-trampled hearts. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, yet graced with the presence of One who was completely man and yet completely Godthe Perfect One. He could have shrunk back from our mess, but instead He waded right into it. And His entry changed everything.

Emmanuel—God with us—is the reason Christmas means so much. With this day we celebrate the beginning of what changed the world two thousand years ago. What changes us.

Again I say rejoice
For unto us is born
The Savior of the world

Take heart
Oh weary soul, take heart
For help is on its way
And holy is His name

This Christmas, remember the Savior who promises to be with you; who is right beside you now. He was born to die so that we might live. Indeed, the manger in which He was laid, contrary to popular belief, was actually carved not from wood but from stone, symbolizing the rocky tomb not far in His future.

Whatever your holidays look like this year—whether you’re sitting around the glowing tree with your family or grieving a loved one or wishing the rifts in your world would mend—Jesus is with you. Never will He forsake you.

Emmanuel. God with us. God with me. God with you.

Merry Christmas!

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year – a Christmasy tag

Deborah O’Carroll from The Road of a Writer is spreading Christmas cheer by doling out this Christmasy Tag. Thanks, Deb! This is a nice excuse to chat about seasonal wonderfulness.

Post the picture on your blog. (Neither Deb nor I have any clue what picture this means.)
Answer the questions.
Tag up to 12 bloggers.
Make up 10 questions for other bloggers.

What is your favourite Christmas treat?
Gingersnaps and mandarin oranges and chocolate everything and nuts and eggnog and peppermint and (gasp) have you ever tried a chai white hot chocolate? You must.

Are there any special traditions that your family has to celebrate Christmas?

How do you normally celebrate Christmas?
This is very much like the above question, which is why I’m properly answering here. On Christmas morning, my mom makes apple scones. We put a candle in each one and sing happy birthday to Jesus (a tradition we’ve been doing since I was a wee child). Then we take our long, leisurely time unwrapping gifts, all of which is videotaped for posterity. On Boxing Day, we often spend the afternoon building Lego, since all six of us receive sets for Christmas. (Yes, even my parents!)

Do you enjoy getting presents for your friends and family? Do you buy your gifts or go the homemade route?
Of course I do! Some people are harder to shop for than others, but ultimately I love picking out thoughtful gifts. I usually go the store-bought route, because I don’t consider my crafting skills to be . . . er, skilled enough to produce good presents.

Is it cold where you live? Have you ever had a white Christmas?

This sort of question I find endlessly amusing. Because yes, it is cold where I live (though it’s been unseasonably mild up until this week, during which eight inches of snow fell on us). I’ve never not had a white Christmas!

What’s on your Christmas list this year?
BOOKS. As always. Also boring, practical, un-Christmasy things like black socks and a back-up hard drive for my laptop. Music and movies are always on the list, too.

What’s your favourite Christmas song?
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel is probably my top favorite carol. A modern song that I fell in love with is Hillsong’s We Have a Savior. Michael W. Smith’s It’s a Wonderful Christmas is a beautiful orchestral album, and I also love Chris Tomlin’s Glory in the Highest album. (And I’ll admit that the Oakridge Boys’ Christmas Carol gets me singing every year.)

What is your favourite Christmas memory?
I have too many to recount! As Deborah said in her post, they all kind of blend together. I suppose all my favorite memories revolve around family.

What does your Christmas tree look like?

My parents give my siblings and me a new ornament every year. As you can see, the collection has grown. It kind of looks like a Christmas toy shop exploded on our tree.

What are you reading in December? (Anything festive?)
Currently A.D. 30 by Ted Dekker. It’s not exactly festive, but . . . it does occur during Jesus’ life on Earth. Does that count?

Are you an organised little elf or are you still shopping/preparing on Christmas Eve?
I am a semi-organized little elf who let the mild weather trick her into thinking Christmas was a long way off. Then the snow came, and the calendar shrieked at me in panic. (Okay, it hasn’t been all that bad. I just have a couple odds and ends to finish up.)

How early do you start to get into the Christmas spirit?
December 1st. No earlier. Usually no later. The tree goes up in the first week of December, and out comes the holiday music. I myself didn’t really ‘feel’ Christmasy for the first week or two. But now I feel like a child again, absolutely giddy with anticipation.

Do you make any Christmas crafts? Decorations? Send physical Christmas cards?
Depends on the year. As I said earlier, my crafting skills are not quite prepared for much gift-creating. Though if I took the time (and money to purchase supplies), I think I’d have fun with it.

What’s the menu for Christmas Day?!
Apple scones for breakfast, which I already mentioned. Lunch is late and consists of all manner of snacks. Supper this year will be at my grandma’s. Who knows what scrumptiousness she’ll conjure?

What makes it FEEL like Christmas for you? (Weather, specific tradition, food, smell, person, etc.?)
I definitely had a hard time getting into the Christmas mood before the snow hit, shallow as that sounds. Decorating the tree, singing carols at church, driving around town and seeing all the beautiful lights . . . I don’t know, it’s a combination of a lot of things. Mostly it’s the cozy feeling of family, nestled in the warm living room on Christmas Day, laughing and enjoying each other while pristine snow blankets the world outside.

Do you have relatives coming? Excited? Nervous?
For Christmas itself, no, nobody’s coming. After Christmas, yes. The family continues to expand as cousins grow up and get married, so lassoing everyone into the same spot for Christmas is no longer simple. I’m excited about getting time off to spend with family.

What famous Christmas character do you most identify with? (Scrooge, Elf, Tiny Tim, the Grinch, Santa, etc.)
Um . . . none of them?

If you were to start a new Christmas tradition, what would it be?

Goodness. Way to put me on the spot here. I love the traditions my family currently has, and can’t think of anything more to add!

What Christmas movies do you like to watch this time of year or what’s your favorite?

Unlike some people, there’s no set movie that comes out every single year. It could be Rise of the Guardians, a Christmas-related VeggieTales movie, Miracle on 34th Street, or any new film we find under the tree.

Look, Jack Frost left his signature on my front window last year!

What’s your favorite Christmasy book or book with a favorite Christmasy part?
I love, love, LOVE Max Lucado’s The Crippled Lamb. It’s a touching story about an outcast lamb who ends up getting to keep baby Jesus’ warm.

I tag . . .
Cassia @ Dimensions of My Universe
Sarah @ Ink and Paper Tall Ship
Emily @ Ink, Inc.
Jack @ However Improbable
Amy @ Little Moon Elephant
And whoever wants to add a little Christmas fun to their blog! Go on. You know you want to snag it.

Questions to use (because I haven’t the time to create new ones today):

  • What is your favourite Christmas treat?
  • Are there any special traditions that your family has to celebrate Christmas?
  • How do you normally celebrate Christmas?
  • Do you enjoy getting presents for your friends and family? Do you buy your gifts or go the homemade route?
  • Is it cold where you live? Have you ever had a white Christmas?
  • What’s on your Christmas list this year?
  • What’s your favourite Christmas song?
  • What is your favourite Christmas memory?
  • What does your Christmas Tree look like?
  • What are you reading in December? (Anything festive?)
  • Are you an organised little elf or are you still shopping/preparing on Christmas Eve?
  • How early do you start to get into the Christmas spirit?
  • Do you make any Christmas crafts? Decorations? Send physical Christmas cards?
  • What’s the menu for Christmas Day?!
  • What makes it FEEL like Christmas for you? (Weather, specific tradition, food, smell, person, etc.?)
  • Do you have relatives coming? Excited? Nervous?
  • What famous Christmas character do you most identify with? (Scrooge, Elf, Tiny Tim, the Grinch, Santa, etc.)
  • If you were to start a new Christmas tradition, what would it be?
  • What Christmas movies do you like to watch this time of year or what’s your favorite?
  • What’s your favorite Christmasy book or book with a favorite Christmasy part?
  • The Brightest Thread Playlist

    I sent The Brightest Thread off to the contest this week! Is it just me, or do you feel that little twinge of apprehension when your cursor hovers over the send button? And then clickyou hit it, and suddenly the story is out of your hands. Strangely enough, I feel the most confident about this contest. Or perhaps there’s a little . . . I don’t want to say indifference, because I am excited . . . maybe peacefulness? Because I’d honestly be happy with whatever results. Winning = being published. Losing = not really losing at all, because I’m left with a story I love, a story that I would then be free to re-expand. (Yes, after all that cutting!)


    To celebrate, I’m posting a playlist I put together for TBT. Some pieces are instrumental, others lyrical. They all fit an element of the story. Because some of those pieces overlap, putting the songs in chronological order wasn’t a straightforward ordeal, but here they are. (Links to follow.)

    Flight of the Silverbird – Two Steps from Hell – The whole story’s theme.

    The Sun is Rising – Britt Nicole

    A Thousand Years – Christina Perri – The most perfect theme for the story’s romance. Change thousand to hundred, and it’s like the song was written for this tale.

    Lucy – Hanne Hukkelberg

    Star Sky – Two Steps from Hell – When you listen, scroll down to one of the first YouTube comments. It contains the lyrics, which I would post here if I wasn’t concerned about copyright issues.

    Calypso – At World’s End soundtrack

    A Thousand Years – The Piano Guys (cover)

    I would add more notes about each song and why they matter to the story, but . . .

    Heard any of these pieces before? Do you ever make playlists for your writing? What’s your method of selecting songs? Feel free one or two (or ten)!

    Writing Strengths + Weaknesses

    In which I let you in on my secret (or not-so-secret) flaws and my maybe-possibly strengths.

    I’ve seen other bloggers post on this subject in the past, and it’s been fascinating to see their self-assessments, to see where other writers excel and where they recognize their weak points. So I thought I’d do it myself, partially as an exercise in honesty and partially to see what I come up with.

    *cracks knuckles*

    (But not really, because I never crack my knuckles.)

    Disclaimer: These strengths are not always strengths; likewise, the weaknesses are not 100% weaknesses either. These are tendencies, broken by the occasional anomaly. Continue.


    I’ve been told since my early novel-writing days that I know how to pace a story. This mystifies me somewhat, because at that point I hadn’t really studied the craft. But I did inhale stacks of books. Perhaps that’s one of the best ways to learn. Anyway, I suppose I’m good at moving the story along and spending an appropriate amount of time on things. (Gosh, you guys, I feel like I’m bragging. That’s why I’m getting the strengths out of the way first.)

    This used to be a big weakness! My WIP series started out as a generic fantasy world: medieval England-type setting populated by humans, a handful of stock fantasy creatures, and a cut-out king. Nothing was fleshed out or truly lived in. I hadn’t a clue about currency, worldview, religion, society roles, neighboring kingdoms, geography, or even the physics of things. It’s still thatstill a medieval England-ish place and whatnot, but over the years I’ve come to recognize some of the flaws, and have slowly shaded in the details. People comment on my worldbuilding, so I suppose it’s working?

    Again, this was previously a weakness. Actually, it was pretty much nonexistent in my first drafts. Perhaps it was my dabbling in poetry, or simply becoming more aware of the little things, or just absorbing the artful words of others . . . But now creating vivid descriptions is one of my favorite things. I love metaphors. I love personification. Ascribing unusual qualities to things makes my writer self shiver with delight, such as when a sound is described by color. (This is one reason why I adore the Auralia books by Jeffrey Overstreet.)

    I feel deeply. I’ve been known to exaggerate situations in my own mind, and then feel silly when I put it on paper or say it aloud, because huh. It wasn’t so big after all. I also empathize with others. So putting those emotions into characters is really fulfilling. I have not been to the very depths of despair, but I’ve experienced sorrow of a kind, so I amplify it for that character in her darkest moment. I have never felt murderous inclinations, but I put my moments of hatred into the mind of a villain.


    Yes, I did just list that as a strength, but it’s also a weakness. Because sometimes my love of emotion and prose and worldbuilding bog down my pacing! Case in point: The Brightest Thread, in which I ran ten thousand words too long. I’ve always struggled to write anything short. When given short story assignments in school, the silly things would unspool into grandiose plots. And when I edited book 1, it jumped from 68,000 words to 131,000. Conciseness and I are not the best of friends.

    Character motivation
    So this is mildly embarrassing. I have found myself on numerous occasions typing happily along, sending characters on their merry way to death and destruction, only to be struck by a disturbing thought. “Why are they even doing this?” I seem to be a plot-driven writer, and so it takes conscious thought to beef up the character side of things. After all, what’s a story without characters? And nobody wants to read about a prince who goes gallivanting off to save the princess for absolutely no reason, or a villain who wants to rule the world simply because that’s what villains do. I think I’m growing in this area, but I still need to make sure those characters have minds and motives of their own, rather than plodding along from plot point to plot point.

    Fight scenes
    I write high fantasy a lot. Battles are inevitable. But I have never wielded a sword in my life, nor directed an army. So keeping the fights believable isn’t easy. The actions can start sounding repetitive. The movements of armies can become robotic and illogical. And tactics! Yikes, I need to work on those! (John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series does so well in that area.) Instead of just “FIIIIIIIGHT!!!” I’d like to have moves and countermoves, brilliant schemes and even brilliant-er foils. Have I mastered that yet? Well, I’m . . . getting there.

    In the tortoise and the hare fable, I am the tortoise. (Hey, does that mean I’ll win?) While others pump out thousands of words a day, sometimes a whole book in a month or a week (Cait, here’s looking at you!) I have been grooming one bookand its half-finished sequelsfor oh . . . about seven or eight years now. Yep. Haven’t moved on. Oh, I’ve worked on other projects in between, such as my Rooglewood retellings, but by and large my focus has been on this one thing. And it’s taking forever. I hope that once my dream of fulltime writing is realized, I’ll discover that I’m really the Flash of writing, otherwise a whole generation of readers might pass before a sequel ever comes out.

    There you have it, folks. Some of my strong points and some of the areas in which I need to grow. Now I’m curiouswhat are your strengths and weaknesses in writing? Do we share any? Have any of your weaknesses developed into strengths (hopefully never vice versa)? Share in the comments!