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Category: Book Reviews

Subplots & Storylines – March 2020

Well, this feels weird, not gonna lie. If this edition of Subplots & Storylines looks a little short to you, it’s because of the change I announced earlier in the week. You can find all the details HERE, along with the big reveal of my “secret” project, but as a quick refresher… S&S will continue to be a roundup of my usual book and movie reviews, but the writing/personal updates are packing up and moving house! In other words, they’ll be in my brand new newsletter instead. 😉 The sign-up form for that is now in the blog’s sidebar!

*clear throat* Now that the self-promotion is out of the way, onward to the review stuff! There’s quite the mix of genres going on here….

Book Review: Let the Ghosts Speak

If you’ve been around my blog for a while, you probably know one of my longtime favorite authors is Bryan Davis. His books first lifted me on the wings of dragons when I was twelve or thirteen, and I’ve been following his writing ever since. (Wow, I guess that’s half my life.)

So when I got the chance to read his latest book early and provide a review, you bet I jumped on it!

Unlike many of his previous books, there are no dragons to be found here. But there are ghosts. And plot twists. Murder, too.

Introducing… Let the Ghosts Speak.

Subplots & Storylines – February 2020

Happy leap day! How was your February? I confess, the beginning of it feels like a long time ago, but everything in between is a muddle. Maybe that’s what happens when I get buried in editing. More on that a bit later! 😉

There were a couple rough patches this month, but they were drowned out by lots of laughs, precious people, good music, and fantastic stories—including one of my favorite reads this year about TIME TRAVEL.

Ghost – A Guest Book Review from Kaitlyn Brewer

Let’s welcome Kaitlyn Brewer from On My Bookshelf to the blog today! She’s a fellow bookworm and a recent addition to my extended family. Today, she’s sharing a book review of Ghost by Wayne Thomas Batson—one of the few Batson novels I have yet to read. (Gasp!)

I’m also guest posting over at On My Bookshelf with a review of Mark of the Raven by Morgan Busse, where I’m going more in depth about the faith elements that really worked in the story. You can find that post HERE. Don’t run over just yet, though! Stick around to hear from Kaitlyn first. 🙂

Kaitlyn, welcome here! I’m excited to hear your thoughts on Ghost. Take it away.