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Belated Blogoversary + #MyFirstPostRevisited

Adventure Awaits turned three at the end of March, and I promised some kind of party, didn’t I? But I’ve arrived so late, even my wizard status can’t excuse my tardiness. Gandalf is ashamed of me. As they say, “better late than never,” so here we are! Help yourself to angel food cake and strawberries, because that’s what I just ate, and we’re going to happily live in the delusion that I can offer you a slice via the internet.


Blogging is a discipline I’m so glad I started. Sure, there are weeks (like this one) when getting a post up in time is a struggle. Life gets busy and sometimes I run out of inspiration. But I love sharing my heart here. Yet what I love even more is YOU. All of you who read, comment, and keep coming back–you’re the reason Adventure Awaits exists! I hope your own journey has been impacted, even in some small way, by mine. Because life is story, after all, and we’re all living epic tales of our own.


In the fashion of last year’s blogoversary, let’s kick off the party with some quick stats! Measuring growth is fun, right? It’s like penciling in your height on the pantry wall.


  • 161 followers across Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin’ (It was closer to 140-150 at the time of my actual blogoversary, I think . . . which is about double what I had last year . . . Anyway, I’m so grateful for every single one of you!)
  • 204 posts
  • 216,678 pageviews

Top Ten Countries

Most of those pageviews come from . . .

  1. United States
  2. Russia
  3. Canada
  4. France
  5. Ukraine
  6. Germany
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Netherlands
  9. Australia
  10. Ireland
It shocks me that this little place has grown at all in the past year, what with me going off to college and being less consistent here than I’d like. Here are some wild and wacky (and some predictable) ways people have found my blog:

Search Results

-larryboy and the fib from outer space (what? why???)
-rooglewood press (makes sense)
-josiah dyck (oh, look, that’s my brother!)
-a girl who walk alone on the road (. . . this girl who walk alone needs to get better at grammar)
-allison tebo the reluctant godfather (why yes, I was part of her blog tour)
-adventure award wise counselor (ah, good times)
-five enchanted roses: a collection of . . . (it cuts off the end of the phrase, but I know which book that is, and it’s excellent)
-rooglewood press contest (not like I entered any of those, LOL)
-adventure awaits blog (very sensible search result)
-Tracey (oh, so we’re on first name basis now, Google and I?)
-summer book haul (always a good thing!)

Top Ten Most Popular Posts

I’m always somewhat bemused as to what gets a lot of pageviews and what doesn’t. Whatever the reason, here are my most-viewed posts of all time! Numbers 1, 3, and 9 are some of my personal favorites.

1. Realm Makers 2017 Recap
2. Sunshine Blogger Award
3. Retellings – Love ‘Em or Hate ‘Em?
4. Beautiful Books – Writing Goals
5. Subplots and Storylines – November 2016
6. Book Review: Five Enchanted Roses
7. Subplots and Storylines – October 2016
8. Silmarillion Awards – Wisest Counselor Nominations
9. Why Fiction Matters
10. Problematic Opportunities and Opportunistic Problems




Over half a year ago, the ever-creative Victoria Grace Howell @ Wanderer’s Pen tagged me to participate in #MyFirstPostRevisited. Thanks, Tori! I thought it’d be fun to incorporate this into my next blogoversary! The rules of the tag are as follows:

  • No cheating. You must highlight your first post. Not your second post, not one you love… the first post only.
  • Link back to the person who tagged you (thank them if you feel like it or, if not, curse them with a plague of ladybugs).
  • Cut and paste your old post into a new post or reblog your own bad self. (Either way is fine, but NO editing.)
  • Put the hashtag #MyFirstPostRevisited in your title.
  • Tag five (5) other bloggers to take up this challenge.
  • Notify your tags in the comment section of their blog (don’t just hope they notice a pingback somewhere in their spam).
  • Feel free to cut and paste the badge to use in your post.
  • Include “the rules” in your post.
  • Completely silly rules that I’m making up as I type:
  • Write your post while wolfing down your favorite dessert.
  • Do 10 cartwheels after you hit “Publish.”

Well, I did just eat cake. But I’ll neglect that last rule, because if I attempted a cartwheel, I would break something. Like my head. Or a piece of furniture. Or my pride. Let’s have a look at my very first post from March 31, 2015!




Well met, fellow travelers!


I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Tracey Dyck, and at the moment, all the clever ways I planned to succinctly introduce myself have scurried out the back window and left me with a blank page. So let’s start with the basics, in no particular order.


I am:
-19 years of age

-a homeschool graduate
-a writer
-a God-chaser

And now for some random facts.


I feed on words. The smell of spring is hope to me. My bookshelves are congested. I have awesome parents and three awesome younger siblings. I live in the Prairies. I read and write pretty widely, but fantasy is my homeland. I write because I need to, and because I hope that someone else needs me to. New notebooks call to me. I take pictures of shadows. I sketch. I am a slayer of evil dragons and a friend of good ones. I am an introvert. My space is organized chaos. I love the colors of the Caribbean, of watermelon, and of new leaves. Please take me to Narnia because I left my heart there. I love children. Dark chocolate trumps milk or white. Captain America is, without a doubt, my favorite Marvel superhero. Apparently my personality type is the same as Batman’s, though I fail to see many similarities. I laugh easily and cry easily. I am a paradox because a sunny optimist and a cynic coexist in my brain. I adore humor. I am a girl of strong convictions. Jesus is the difference in my life; He is my anchor, my shield, my fortress.


Now, what should you expect on this blog? Good question. Even I’m not entirely sure. But I think you’ll find a mix of the big and the small, the important and trivial. A blend of life and faith and anything story-related. I aim to post about once a week, but that schedule may change as I settle into it and find out what works.


Life truly is a grand adventure! I sincerely hope that this place will be a rest stop where you can brush off the dust of your travels, warm your hands by the fire, and find stories in the coals. I hope that this is an armory where you can sharpen your blade, shine your armor, and stock your quiver. Here is where our quests intersect. Let’s swap tales, remind ourselves of the light, and look for the story the Author is weaving in each of our lives. To the wanderers, the wayfarers, the voyagers—I bid you welcome!

* * *

Surprisingly, that actually wasn’t as cringey as I expected. I still hope this place is a rest stop for questers on their journey, I’m still looking for the heart I left in Narnia, and my bookshelves are more congested than ever!

Thanks for celebrating with me, friends! I appreciate each of you immensely and feel honored to spend time with you in this space. Next up is that vlog I’m working on! (Hopefully. Somebody send me a bottle of Extra Time, please.)

Subplots and Storylines – June 2018

Hello, hello, everyone! I’m back! Thanks for all the great vlog questions you left me. I hope to film a coherent video answering them all very soon. In the meantime, how was your month? Sit down and grab a cup of lemonade (because coffee is much too hot for this weather) and let’s chat!

My June was about as full as all my months seem to be, and yet it was a lot more relaxing because . . . I took a holiday! More on that in a minute. This could become a long post, so I’ll try to keep each section of the recap brief and under control. (Yeah, right.)

A few notable life happenings:

  • I took my sisters to a Maze Runner-themed escape room! Kind of a homemade one put on by their youth group, but it was super well done. (And I got to sneak in and go through it too, even though I’m too old. Ha.)
  • A couple more friend get-togethers
  • My sister, Chloe @ Faeries and Folklore, graduated high school and we threw a party!
  • One of my best friends had a baby shower
  • Aaaaand holidays!

It was wonderful to spend a week at a cabin with my family, doing absolutely nothing. I devoured five books, watched a bunch of movies, ate delicious food, swam in the river, and played an ongoing game of Phase 10.

We also went to see the ruins of the old Pinawa Dam. I’m a sucker for ruins of any kind, but to find some in my home province of Manitoba was super cool! Can’t you just see this old wall being used as the setting for a dystopian story? Or even a fantasy?

Screen Subplots

Once Upon a Time season 6
I only watched two more episodes this month, but the season is still making a slow upward climb, so that’s good.

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Just one episode this month. Still a fun show!

Spider-Man 3
At last my siblings and I are finished the Tobey Maguire trilogy! I’m sorry to insult a classic, but these movies just didn’t hold up like I’d hoped. (I did love them years ago.) At least Harry Osborne was better in this one.

The Greatest Showman
This has got to be the most hyped-up movie I’ve seen in a long time. I was rather worried it wouldn’t live up to my expectations, and while pretty much the whole plot came as no surprise at this point, I LOVED IT. I loved the music, the visuals, the characters, the charm of it all. I loved the emphasis on family. It was beautiful. Truly. And if you’ll pardon me a moment, I’m going to go buy the soundtrack!

Captain America: The First Avenger
My siblings and have started rewatching the Marvel movies (it’s our youngest sister’s first time!), and we skipped the Iron Man movies to watch this one. It gets me every time. I love Cap. And Bucky. And everything.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Another rewatch. So heartrending, I cried again.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Look at that, I’m really jumping on the HP bandwagon now! But this movie was so enjoyable. Faithful to the book, with an adorable young cast, it brought Hogwarts to life in such a charming way.

This one was better than I expected! If you don’t mind the Day of the Dead stuff, it’s a cute little film about family and remembering those who have passed away. The visuals are brilliant, and I didn’t see one of the twists coming.

Page Storylines

Guys. I read nine books this month. NINE. I can’t remember the last time that happened! (Thank you, vacation, for all the reading time.)

Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff // Chip Gaines

I’ve never watched Fixer Upper or read Chip and Joanna’s previous book, but I still enjoyed getting to know them through this quick nonfiction read. They seem down-to-earth and have an approach to business I could get behind. Lots of anecdotes here, with some good advice for living fearlessly, taking risks, and prioritizing family. The book did feel a bit scattered, but that could be my own expectations interfering. 4 stars.

Steal Like an Artist // Austin Kleon

This little book is a pithy pep talk. Inspiring, quotable, whittled down to a few quick scrawls and snippets to catapult your own thoughts. It’s a starting point, and I like where it leads. The biggest thing I took away is that our work is a sum of our influences–and that’s okay. For any creative worried about originality or feeling short on ideas, this is a great pick-me-up. 5 stars!

Enoch’s Ghost // Bryan Davis

(Continuing my reread of Dragons in Our Midst / Oracles of Fire / Children of the Bard series) Oh goodness, I’d forgotten how much I love this one. Themes of sacrifice run like a scarlet thread through the narrative, characters grow and develop through excruciating circumstances, and the threat facing our heroes is cataclysmic.

Ashley, struggling to relinquish control, has never been more relatable to me than right now. And I love her relationship with Walter! I’m also a huge fan of Second Eden, the infinite staircase, Dikaios, Elam, and Timothy. (That Timothy . . . he breaks my heart.) Everything wrapped up so incredibly well, with just enough hope amidst the disaster to last me until the next book! 5 stars!

Siren’s Song // Mary Weber

Whew, this was quite the trilogy! There were a few things overall that I wasn’t too keen on, but my love for Nym’s journey and the powerful themes eclipse those minor annoyances. In this book, it’s evident that Nym has come so far since the beginning. There were many characters to love, and even the dastardly Myles garnered my approval. (It helped that he reminded me of Loki.) The pace left my heart pounding, and the ending was thematically magnificent. 5 stars!

Unblemished // Sara Ella

I was a bit worried it wouldn’t live up to the hype, but it was surprisingly good! It had some Once Upon a Time vibes, which made me happy. At first, the mysteries were easy to see through, and the beginnings of a love triangle seemed predictable. But then the plot twists started happening, and I actually grew to like the love triangle. (Gasp!) Life-or-death stakes have a way of breathing fresh life on that old trope. And in case you’re wondering, I’m Team Ky. 4.5 stars.

The Minish Cap // Akira Himekawa

I don’t read many graphic novels, just as I don’t play many Legend of Zelda games, but this was a fun, quick read with an adorable drawing style. Link, Zelda, and the Picori were super cute. It was rather fast-paced–just the nature of graphic novels, I guess–but the ending was satisfying. 4 stars.

Paper and Fire // Rachel Caine

I read the first book on vacation last year, so it seemed fitting to continue while on another holiday! This one consisted of an intense rescue plot, an alternate-universe Rome, creepy automatons, much sneaking around, brilliant details, forbidden books, and serious squad goals. These crusty munchkins are becoming a family and I love it. The only things I didn’t love? The continuation of a romance that goes against my beliefs, a small smattering of language, and the fact the main love interest seemed to be the only person lacking personality. But overall, I adore this series and can’t wait to get my hands on the third book! 4.5 stars.

All the Crooked Saints // Maggie Stiefvater

With the lyricism of The Raven Cycle and none of its objectionable content, THIS was the kind of Stiefvater book I’ve been looking for! It was lovely, atmospheric, and somehow managed to be a feel-good story without the inherent cheesiness. The omniscient point-of-view worked beautifully, the very setting seemed alive, and the lovable cast was quirky as all get-out. What really got me is the message of hope: healing is found through opening yourself up to help others, and this eclectic crew of pilgrims on a Colorado ranch in the 1960s proved that better than anyone. 5 stars!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets // J.K. Rowling

More rollicking adventures in Hogwarts! The plot felt at times like a replica of the first book (until the plot twist happened), but I was having too much fun to care. A few things you must know: a) I am going to visit the Weasely’s Burrow if it’s the last thing I do, b) Mandrakes are hilarious, c) the duel scene was the best, d) Lockhart is annoying 95% of the time, e) Draco–just Draco, and f) somebody get me book 3 pronto. 5 stars!

Subplots of My Own Making

Not a ton to report on the writing front this month, unfortunately. Going away for a week may have had something to do with that. But! I did accomplish a few things.

I listened to episode 13 of The Creative Way, a writing course by Ted Dekker that has been taking me forever to finish. (But it’s still excellent.)

I did a short critique for a critique partner. Her story is awesome.

I wrote a 300 word flash fiction and submitted it to Splickety.

I rewrote chapters one and two of The Brightest Thread AGAIN and finally moved into chapter 3. I hope I’ve stopped spinning my wheels on this opening, because I’d really like to make some progress before Realm Makers (which is two and a half weeks away!!!). It may be too soon to say, but I think, perhaps, maybe, this new opening is “The One.” It stays true to the original version more than my other rewriting attempts, but I think it’s mechanically stronger.

Whew! If you made it this far, here’s a refill on that lemonade. What were your June highlights? Have you read/watched anything mentioned here? What’s your ideal holiday? I hope you have a fantastic July! And to my Canadian friends–happy Canada Day!

Call for Questions!

Adventure Awaits turned three on March 31st, 2018! Yes, that was f o r e v e r ago. But it seems like something worth celebrating, and, well . . . better late than never.

Except I’m never late–I arrive precisely when I intend to. We shall just pretend I intended to arrive now. Shhh . . .


So to celebrate, why not follow in the footsteps of the great bloggers who have gone before me and–


Film a vlog!

. . .
. . .
Yes, yes, I can hear the crickets chirping! This is admittedly not the most original blogoversary idea in the history of the universe. But hear me out. Clichés are clichés for a reason. And I just finished reading Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, so hey, let’s start our classy thievery of ideas right now. Here’s why a vlog is a good idea:

#1. I’ve only ever filmed one vlog.

It was years ago. I dare you to find it in the archives. Actually, don’t. I haven’t watched it in a long time, but I suspect it’s a leeeeettle cringey. Anyway! The point is, another one would be fun!

#2. Written communication is 2D, and video is 3D.

In writing, you can’t hear my tone of voice or see my dorky face or any of that real-life goodness. I’d love to gather all of you around for a massive bonfire (as long as someone else starts the fire, because I’m terrible at camping skills in general) and roast marshmallows and talk about adventure and books and silly stuff and deep stuff and strange stuff! But the reality is we can’t. A vlog is half of a real conversation, though, so that’s one step closer.

#3. You want a chance to see the dragon living in my basement, right?

What, you thought I was joking in my bio?

So this is your chance to ask me questionssss, precious!

Now when I’m the one being asked for questions, this is usually my brain’s cue to go blank, so here’s a warm-up list to get you started. Feel free to ask me about:

  • books
  • writing
  • The Brightest Thread (or any of my stories)
  • books
  • favorite movies
  • why the flipping pancakes a writer would go to business school
  • what it was like to be homeschooled
  • Canada
  • favorite beverage
  • what my dragon’s name is
  • favorite authors
  • life as an INFJ
  • books
  • more books
  • the time I almost died (okay, I’m exaggerating)
  • why I’m so much funnier in writing than in person (I’M SORRY, OKAY)
  • how to balance creativity and the billion things Life seems to think are important
  • um . . .
  • books?
  • seriously, just ask me anything. I’m up for the crazy, the deep and thoughtful, the surface-level, the ridiculous, whatever. (just probably not the super private stuff . . . like personal address or blood type. I can see you vampires lurking in the corner. Back, foul beasts.)

Go ahead and steal any of the above questions and/or make up a bunch of your own! The more the merrier, though I will try to keep things under control and not subject you to three million hours of my voice.

Leave all your questions in the comments! My plan is to get the vlog put together before Realm Makers in mid-July! (I’M SORRY, FRIEND, YOU’LL HAVE TO TALK LOUDER–THAT’S JUST THE SOUND OF LIFE LAUGHING AT MY AMBITIONS.) I’ll be away from the internet for a bit first, but rest assured I’ll be back to chortle at your amazing questions. So ask away!

Housekeeping Note: Next week’s Subplots & Storylines post will be a couple of days late. See ya soon!

The Voices of YA Tag

I have been tagged by Lisa @ Inkwell for the Voices of YA tag! (Everyone go say hi to her. She’s awesome.) Truth be told, she tagged me a whole Y E A R ago, and here I am, finally getting around to it.


The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you (thanks again, Lisa, and sorry for my tardiness!)
  • Link to the original creator (you can find it from Caitlin Lambert @ Quills and Coffee HERE)
  • Answer the ten questions
  • Tag at LEAST two other YA writers/bloggers
  • Share with the hashtag #VoicesofYA

[graphic from Caitlin Lambert]

1. What draws you to YA?


The emotions! Everyone knows teenhood is fraught with them, and so is young adult fiction. Now, I’m not a big fan of melodramatic angst–that can get ridiculous fast–but I am in love with the full range of excitement, confusion, doubt, passion, and fear that can be found in teenaged protagonists.

Of course these things are also present in adult fiction, and even to a certain extent in middle grade fiction . . . but YA is where it really shines. It’s the bridge between the carefree days of childhood and the responsibility of adulthood. It’s when a person starts to define who he or she is. It’s one big cocoon of transformation, and that’s what I love about it.


I may be older than most YA characters by now, but that doesn’t make their struggles any less relevant. If anything, I think teens are just more honest about the hard things, and it’s the adults who try to hide behind masks. I hope I always stay young at heart.


2. Describe your writing process. Do you like outlines and structures, or seeing where the story takes you?


Both! When I started out, I wrote by the seat of my pants, content to see where the story wandered. (Outlining? Pfft, that was for school.) That worked until I started writing actual novels and got very stuck. Then I switched to outlining–the full Roman numeral chapter-by-chapter method–and that worked until the plot and characters took on lives of their own and refused to listen to my plan. I tried bending them to my will, but they clammed up and became wooden and boring.


So now I’m a hybrid, neither a pantser nor a plotter. I like a good roadmap with all the important signposts in place, but I want the freedom to figure out the road in between as I go. Whenever the space between signposts (a.k.a. bullet points in a Word doc) is too big and I get lost, I step back and re-evaluate, usually filling in a few more plot points before I keep writing.


That’s what works for me now, but who knows? That could change one day. Every book is a new adventure, and my process keeps evolving.

3. How long have you been writing? Where are you in your journey?


I have been writing in some form or another since I was six or seven, when a love of books and the encouragement of my first grade teacher overflowed into the act of writing my own tales.


I have been writing novels since I was twelve, when I started The Prophet’s Quest, which, at the time, was a thinly veiled Chronicles of Narnia / Dragons in Our Midst crossover.


Since then, I wrote the sequel (The Prophet’s Key) and started the third book in the series (untitled). I edited TPQ, the first book, numerous times–first on my own and then with the help of amazing mentors (you know who you are!)–when I was sixteen. That’s what really jumpstarted my writing craft. I also started rewriting TPK, the second book.

I wrote four novella-sized retellings of fairy tales in between those edits/rewrites: The Glass Girl (Cinderella), Blood Rose (Beauty and the Beast), The Brightest Thread (Sleeping Beauty), and most recently, Mirrors Never Lie (Snow White). All of these were for contests hosted by Rooglewood Press, and I’m still delighted whenever I think about TBT and MNL placing as finalists.


Because I fell irreversibly in love with The Brightest Thread, and because it had so much room for more story, I expanded it into a full novel last summer. After taking a break for college, I’m now editing this special story.


But I guess that’s my writing history, and the question asked about the journey. So where am I right now? I’m honing my craft, working to sharpen my plotlines and smooth my characters’ rough edges. I’m devouring all the education on writing I can, from blogs to books to conferences to conversations with real-life authors. I’m researching the publishing industry. I’ve been putting my work out there in little ways. And right now, I’m slowly but surely researching literary agents and preparing myself to query in earnest.


This author thing is a long road, and I refuse to put timelines on it anymore, but I honestly do feel like I’m a lot closer to publishing than I’ve ever been.


(None of this is supposed to be an “oh, look at me!” statement. Just sharing my journey: where I’ve been, where I am, and where I dream of going.)


4. What do you need to write? Coffee? Music?


Neither is a necessity. I like coffee, but most days tea is more appreciated. I love music, but it’s been a long time since I wrote to it consistently. All I need is a spot on the couch in the living room, my laptop, maybe a notebook, and relative quiet. (People can be talking, but I can’t have a movie playing in the background.)


In high school, I would hole up in my room for hours at a time with Narnia soundtracks on loop, and that’s how I wrote. But since the adult life takes me away from home a lot more often than the homeschooled-teen life did, these days I like to camp out someplace in the house that’s closer to my family. I guess I’ve gotten used to having distractions people around?


5. If you could offer one piece of advice to another writer (other than “don’t give up”), what would it be?


If you want to publish, you’re going to need to be in this for the long haul. Even if you don’t want to publish, and your dream is to share your stories with friends and family, you still need to see the long game. Because writing a book is not a fast process. Publishing it is an even longer process.


See question #3? I’ve been writing seriously for ten years, and only now do I have a novel I think might be publishing-worthy. (And it’s not even done. Revisions take time.) As a young writer, I dreamt of being a breakout bestseller at age sixteen. All those other authors with stories about hundreds of rejections and years of waiting? Ha, that wouldn’t happen to ME. Fast forward to today, and I’m honest-to-goodness glad it’s a longer journey than I once thought. Sixteen-year-old me was not ready. That book I was writing at the time wasn’t ready. Great gobs of gravy, I’m not sure if I’m 100% ready now, but I’m a lot closer than before. Your journey will look different, but be willing to see the big picture and Take. Your. Time.


The thing is, if you’re serious about this, you’re going to need patience by the truckload. Determination, humility, a willingness to learn, and courage help a lot too. Writing is easy. Writing well takes a lot of practice and a lot of guts. And publishing? Well, I’ll let you know how that goes! See the big picture. It will keep you from getting discouraged when you feel stuck.


6. What book still has you reeling from its plot twist?

It’s so hard to pick just one! But since we’re talking about YA, I’ll point to one of my favorite YA fantasy books, The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen. A number of my Goodreads friends say that they saw the twist coming, but for some reason I did not. Maybe knowing there is a twist makes it easier to see coming?

Anyway, it surprised me! Suddenly the plot clicked in a way it hadn’t before, and niggling little things that had bothered me started to make sense. It was epic. Go read it. The rest of the Ascendance Trilogy is a lot of fun too.


7. What books are you most anticipating for this year?



Ahem. I’ve only read one book by Nadine Brandes so far, but I am ridiculously excited about her historical fantasy coming out next month! Because hey, it’s historical fantasy, and I do not have enough of that wonderfulness in my life. Also it involves the Gunpowder Plot (y’know, Guy Fawkes and blowing up the king and all that jazz?). And it involves masks. And magic. And the cover is gorgeous. And Nadine Brandes wrote it. So I am all the excited.

I’m also looking forward to reading A Thousand Perfect Notes, C.G. Drews’ recent debut! It’s Cait from Paper Fury, people! Our very own queen of the universe! So I’m very happy for her and can’t wait to have my heart broken by her book.

Some other books that have been out for a while, but are among the “highly anticipated” books on my TBR this year . . .


The Scorpio Races and All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater. The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron. Wanted: a Superhero to Save the World by Bryan Davis. Stars Above by Marissa Meyer. By Darkness Hid by Jill Williamson. The Evaporation of Sofi Snow by Mary Weber. (I’d better stop.)


8. In your opinion, which YA book/series has the most unique premise?


Excuse me? How am I supposed to answer that?


Pardon me while I go stare at my Goodreads shelves.


. . .


Okay. I’m back. The problem is that all my favorites have something unique about them, whether it’s fairytales in space (The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer), the non-burning of the Library of Alexandria (The Great Library series by Rachel Caine), or a spiritual journey in the midst of a creepy small town (Solitary Tales by Travis Thrasher).


But I honestly can’t think of anything quite like the mashup of awesomeness found in the triplet series Dragons in Our Midst / Oracles of Fire / Children of the Bard by Bryan Davis. Where else can you read about dragons, Arthurian legend, Biblical history, and sci-fi technology in one storyworld? These books span Earth across literal millennia, plumb the depths of Hades, ascend to Heaven, and venture into realms straight out of the author’s imagination. Rereading them this year has been awesome.


9. What is your all-time favorite quote from YA?


I’m no good at these “all-time favorite” questions, so I’ll cop out and offer you two quotes I like–one amusing and the other deep.


First, from Winter by Marissa Meyer:

“Did you see any rice in there? Maybe we could fill Cinder’s head with it.”

Everyone stared at him.

“You know, to . . . absorb the moisture, or something. Isn’t that a thing?”

“We’re not putting rice in my head.”


Second, from my current read, Enoch’s Ghost by Bryan Davis:

Sapphira held the brick with the red diode close to the photometer. “You can’t do this alone, Ashley.”

She released her hair, leaving a bloody smear. “I couldn’t reach Larry. I already tried.”

“I don’t mean Larry.” Sapphira’s eyes once again blazed. “I think you know exactly what I mean.”

Ashley looked up at her and stared. “If you mean have faith, that’s what I’m trying to do.”

“I know you’re trying.” Sapphira laid a hand on Ashley’s cheek. A ripple of fire rode along Sapphira’s forearm and crept into her hand. “You have been trying all your life.”

Ashley closed her eyes. Heavenly warmth radiated into her cheek and flowed throughout her body, loosening her muscles and draining her tension.

“Relax, Ashley, and let Jehovah work through you. Faith asks that you let his power flow, not your anxiety, not your fears, and not your sweat. His power.”


10. What books do you most hope will have a movie adaptation?

Ooooh, that’s a good question. My one caveat with this list is that these movies have to be made really well or not at all. Ha.
  • The Lunar Chronicles // Marissa Meyer
    • If they get the casting right and use top-notch special effects, this could be epic!
  • Solitary Tales // Travis Thrasher
    • These would be so. stinking. creepy. Especially with a good composer for the soundtrack!
  • Rangers Apprentice // John Flanagan
    • Again, good casting, please! But how fun would it be to see these adventures on the big screen? I think a TV show would work a lot better than a movie series in this case.
  • Illusionarium // Heather Dixon
    • Because I just want a steampunk movie.
  • The Montmorency books // Eleanor Updale
    • Set in Victorian London, with the main character living the dual life of a gentleman and a criminal, this could be a fun set of movies. It’s been forever since I read them, but now I want to reread . . .
  • My own books!
    • Come on, every writer dreams of this, right?

Thanks for the tag, Lisa! It rescued me on a day my brain didn’t want to cooperate with blogging, and it was fun to boot.


I hereby tag:


Chloe @ Faeries and Folklore*
Kaitlyn @ Animal Jam Jumble*
Hanna @ Taking My Time
Josiah @ The Steadfast Pen
Savannah @ Inspiring Writes
Victoria Grace Howell @ Wanderer’s Pen
You, if you want to steal it!

*You both are YA readers, not necessarily YA writers, but go ahead and tweak the first five questions to suit yourselves. 🙂