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Giveaway Winner

The Adventure Awaits Blogoversary giveaway closed at midnight last night. Thanks again to every single one of you who participated in the party. I had lots of fun, and I hope you did too. So, same time next year? Yeah? Good. It’s a deal.

One lucky person was drawn at random to receive the prize of:

  • a handmade notebook
  • 3 handmade bookmarks
  • a printout of a poem I’ve never posted on my blog
  • and a personalized note

And that person is . . .

Anna Catherine!

๏ปฟCongrats, Anna! I sent you an email asking for your mailing address so I can ship the prize to you.
To everyone else: I wish I had enough prizes to give to all of you. (If it’s any consolation, this giveaway was so much fun, I know I’ll host another one day.)
Happy questing!


  1. Mary Horton

    YAY! Congratulations, Anna! I obviously wanted to win (seriously, who DIDN'T want those gorgeous bookmarks??), but I'm thrilled that somebody else will be enjoying them. Besides, I've already won two giveaways recently. *shrugs*

    And thanks SO much for hosting this, Tracey! Positively smashing of you. (Using British terminology because I can.) I look forward to next year's giveaway!!!

  2. Christine Smith

    *throws confetti* Congratulations, Anna!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    And thank you so very much, Tracey, for doing this. It was a blast! I look forward to yet more delicious Adventure Awaits-ness in the coming year.

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