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I Graduated!

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different?”

These wise words by C.S. Lewis have always struck a chord in me, but perhaps never as strongly as here at the end of college. Because looking back, it’s been one crazy amazing adventure from start to finish. But in the day to day, I experienced hard moments, challenges, frustrations–long days when it felt like no matter how much time or energy I poured into it, nothing was changing. Yet now that it’s over, I look back and I am astounded at the ways I and my classmates have transformed this year.

Of course, none of that would have been possible without some very key people!

My teachers. (I nicknamed them Bob and Larry for their opposite personalities.) Both are very wise, godly men who have become dear mentors to me. They taught me and my classmates, coached us, equipped us, and poured their hearts into us.

The ministry leads. They were all amazing, but this year I got the chance to work under the leadership of the fantastic people in the youth department and the creative department. In youth, my love for teens grew even deeper, and my courage strengthened as I took opportunities to form relationships with them, teach them, and serve them. In creative, I learned new skills with my hands, started thinking outside the box more and more, and realized how much work and forethought go into event planning.

My family and friends. Without a home base of people who loved me, understood my crazy schedule, and supplied me with food, hugs, and listening ears, this year would’ve been a lot harder! Their support, encouragement, and of course prayers made a big difference.

My classmates. They rocked! I learned something from each and every one of them, whether they were aware of it or not. The team we formed got some pretty darn remarkable things done during these past nine months of college, and some of the friendships I formed will last a long time.

I have learned so much at college. Leadership principles, people skills, communication and public speaking, how to serve wholeheartedly, relationship building, and the list goes on. I’ve learned more about God, His Word, and His real purpose for my life.

But it’s one thing to acquire more head knowledge–you can pick up a new book or take a class just about anywhere. It’s a whole other thing to actually apply what you’ve learned, and that was one of the best things about this program.

Through designing chapels for elementary and high school, doing group projects, ministry afternoons, and volunteering at youth, inner city, and big events, we got many chances to really live out exactly what we were being taught.

Perhaps the biggest example of this was the day camp we planned from the ground up. Working on that project, we actually had to lead both each other and the kids. We had to work with each other’s personalities. We saw each other’s strengths shine out, and we came face to face with each other’s flaws. Yet we still chose to build a team, a family.

As a recovering perfectionist, I learned to beat the shame storm. Excellence is just doing the best you can with what you have, and that is enough.

I grew in my public speaking. In September, presenting a speech brought on nervous butterflies and even dizziness. But just two days ago, I delivered a valedictorian speech at grad and–apart from shedding a few tears–felt pretty comfortable behind the mic. (This post, in fact, is a modified version of that grad speech.)

I stepped out of my comfort zone, especially in the area of leadership as I was put in charge of the aforementioned day camp.

Some of my D personality* classmates rubbed off on me, and I became more direct and honest with others, lessening my people pleasing side a bit.

*from the DISC system; D’s are the direct people who cut to the chase and get stuff done.

I learned better strategies for managing my time.

I learned that life is all about relationships, and that tasks are secondary (and really are meant to serve relationships in the first place).

I learned to ask why, to stay curious, and to apply new knowledge to my life at this very moment.

I learned in a greater way that we are all reflections of God’s nature, and so is everything that’s right and true in the world.

It’s been said, “In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”

My classmates and I took many forward steps between September and now, and it would be easy to stop there, to think of this as the end. Truthfully, I’ve just begun this journey. Many new chapters lie ahead. But I’m well-armed with the tools God has helped me forge this year. I’m sad to see my year at college come to a close, because I’ve made so many good memories. But as my classmates and I move into new adventures, we’ll be cheering each other on.

And faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead, God is already there.


  1. Skye Hoffert

    Congrats! Tracey, I am so proud of you! Sounds like you learned a lot in a year. I understand the perfectionist thing, glad you are overcoming it. I'm sure God has even more in store for you now.<3

    • admin

      (Out of a small class of 16, but yes. XD It was an honor!) Thank you! Keep going; there's a light at the end of the tunnel. 😉

    • admin

      Awww, thanks Savannah!! C.S. Lewis has some of the best quotes. (Funny thing was that when I actually gave my speech, I forgot to credit him because I'd just looked over at my family sitting near the front and got all choked up. ^_^)

      Thanks again! <3

    • admin

      Haha, thanks Jenelle! Always a witty response from you. ;D I'll be working during the summer and then hopefully going for a "real" degree in fall. 🙂

    • admin

      Thanks! It's not quite like the movie kind of valedictorian picked from hundreds of students, but I felt very honored! *hugs* <3

  2. Patrick Stahl

    (My mom's account was logged in when I left this comment the first time, haha.) Awesome! Love this post. Congrats on your graduation and Valedictorianship! It sounds like you had a very fulfilling program here. Sometimes I'm a bit disappointed by how "classroom" and secular my university program is, but I still like going (and I have a full ride, so I'm not actually investing cash, though I would like to give back my scholarship money later in my life to aid others in getting their degree).

  3. Perran Kids

    CONGRATULATIONS TRACEYYYYYY!!!!! <333 *confetti* *cupcakes* *fireworks courtesy of Gandalf*
    I've still got a looooonnngg way to go till a graduate college (who am I kidding, I'm not even in college yet xD)–BUT the end will come. Gotta stay strong. *tough face*
    I lovelovelove the quotes you posted–SUPER inspirational!!
    Oooh, you guys did inner city work? I've been interested in inner city areas for a while…could you expound on the work you did there?? *puppy dog eyes* xD
    This was an awesome post, Tracey–I can't wait to see where God takes you in this next season of your life! <333

    • admin

      THANK YOU ARIEEEELLLLL!!! <3 Gandalf fireworks are always on point. ;D

      Yes, stick it out! High school WILL end, even if it feels like eternity. XD Sometimes I wish I could go back to high school, but then I remember pre-cal and I'm like, "nah." 😛

      Aww, thanks! C.S. Lewis has a lot of inspiring things to say.

      Well, the college is run by my church, and my church also has a location in inner city. Every other Thursday my classmates and I would go there to help with their weekly foodbank. (I'm pretty sure the food was supplied by some kind of city-wide food distribution organization thing for charities…?) Anyway, we would unload and organize the food, then one of the pastors or church staff would share a short message with the inner city people, and then us volunteers would help give out the food. It was pretty cool.

      Every other week, I also spent a weeknight volunteering with a Sunday-school-like program for kids. They get bussed in for an evening of games, praise and worship, and Bible lesson. Most of the time I was a bus monitor–those kids are CRAZY sometimes–and a couple of times I got to teach on stage, which was fun.

      I don't know if those are the kind of details you're looking for, but if not, ask more questions! ^_^

      Thanks so much, Ariel! You're so sweet. <333

  4. Christine Smith

    TRACEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *uber major tackle glomp* YOU'RE A GRADUATE. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Oh my goodness gracious. I. AM. SO. PROUD. OF. YOOOOUUUU!!!!!!!

    I've watched in complete and utter awe you take this amazing journey. Been inspired by your perseverance, your dedication. It's been such an honor being able to read about your journey. You've taught ME so much through the things you've shared.

    AND YOU WERE VALEDICTORIAN. Though I'm not surprised one little bit. You so earned that title, and write the most beautiful words. Seriously, this post just touched my heart so much.

    I'm just…AAAHHHHHH, TRACEY. I'm so proud of you! I'm honest to goodness almost getting teary-eyed. :')

    I'm so excited to see what God has in store for you. Your passion for growing in Him and following His steps is going to lead you to amazing places.


    • admin

      *uber major tackle glomps you back* <—That right there is the most epic thing ever. XDDD

      THANK YOU SO MUUUUUCH, DARLING! <3333 Aw, wow…seriously, that's so encouraging, especially to hear that my journey can shed light on other people's journeys. (That's like one of my lifelong dreams, honestly.) *tackle hugs again* You're an amazing friend, and this comment is almost as perfect as if you had really been AT my grad! <333333

      And I'm confident that God's leading YOU on an incredible path as well, my friend. Just you wait and see what He has planned! ^__^


    • admin

      Thank you very much, Blue! <3 It WAS an amazing year. Probably one of the best decisions of my life. (LOL, you'd love them if you got a chance to meet them! "Larry" is hilarious and the exact opposite personality as me–ahem, huge people person and not naturally detailed–cough, cough. "Bob" is perceptive and great at teaching in an engaging way. The two balance out the program so well.)

      Awesome! I look forward to doing the tag! Thank you. ^_^

  5. admin

    (Haha, no problem!)

    Thank you! It was definitely a very fulfilling year. But you can still get a lot out of a secular setting as well; it may just be different things. Not having to pay sounds fantastic! School gets to be very expensive. XD

  6. Deborah O'Carroll

    Congratulations, you amazing girl! So proud of you! ^_^ And so glad you learned so many good things too! I'm always blown away by how you learn things and apply them and then turn them around to write posts that inspire us all. You're an inspiration, my dear! *all the hugs* Keep shining!!! <3

    • admin

      Thank you, darling! <333 Wow, that means so much, because application is DEFINITELY the hardest part of learning anything, and it's something college taught me a lot about. So that's wonderful to hear! *all the hugs for you too* Thanks for all your encouragement and support! <3

  7. Emily

    TRACEY TRACEY TRACEY! It is I! Finally poking my head back into the blogosphere! So firstly, a massive congrats for graduating! It's so exciting that you've come through this year and I can tell you've had an incredible time and learnt heaps. I guess I can relate to doing something completely different with your life, in a team, and learning loads about God through it. I love the last line of this post — it's something He was reinforcing in my mind and heart the whole time I was in Kenya.

    I loved this whole post — it's so good to be here, read your distinctive voice, I'm even happy to see the font and the background again! Can't wait to catch up on some of your older posts. Lots of love! <3

    • admin

      IT'S EMILYYYYYYY! YOU'RE BACK! I'm so excited! 😀

      Thanks so much for the congrats. I certainly did learn a lot during those nine months. No regrets. That's right, there ARE quite a few similarities between our experiences, and I'm so glad that you had a great time too! (Can't wait to hear more about Kenya!!!)

      Awww, that's one of the sweetest "hello, I'm back" sort of things anyone could say! <3 Glad to have you back, Em!

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