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My 5th Blogiversary & The Launch of a Secret Project!

[photo credit: unsplash]

Five years?! I’m telling you, this whole blogiversary thing sneaks up on me EVERY TIME even though the date never changes! Five years ago on March 31st, 2015, this blog was born. It was on a different platform, mind you, and it went by the name Adventure Awaits, which has since fallen from use… but that’s where it all got started.

So let me be sappy for a moment and shout out a humongous thank you! to everyone who’s been part of the journey! Whether you were there from post #1 or you recently stumbled across this little corner of the internet I call home, whether you leave comments or stalk in the background, YOU’RE AMAZING.

Every single one of you brings a smile to my face. I love interacting with you and sharing fragments of our lives together. I love that you love books as much as I do and don’t think I’m nuts when I ramble on about fictional lands that exist only in the imaginations of readers. <3

It’s kind of a weird time for blogging (in general, I mean, not because of all COVID stuff). I mean, the attention seems to have shifted to places like Instagram that make it quicker and easier to interact. Yet there are some things that just don’t fit in an Instagram post, and for that reason, among others, I’m going to keep blogging away as long as I have something to say and someone to say it to!

Five years has a milestone ring to it, so to celebrate, I thought I’d invite you on a jaunt down memory lane for a moment and peek into the highlights of the last half a decade.

Stay tuned, because there’s a BIG announcement coming at the end. I dare you not to skip ahead. πŸ˜‰

Year 1 (2015)

Started a blog called Adventure Awaits over on Blogger after agonizing over the layout and design.

Had no idea what I was doing. (Ha, do I even have a clue now?)

Sehun meme

Started the Subplots & Storylines series in which I do monthly recaps of life, book/movie reviews, and writing updates.

Did my first blogging tag.

Talked about ye olde writing project, The Prophet’s Quest, and its incomplete sequels.

Introduced the wee baby novella that went on to become my current WIP and hopeful-debut-novel, The Brightest Thread. Goodness, has it been that long since I started this story? *wipes tears*

Did my first interview.

Wrote one of my favorite posts called Sandpaper Days.

Threw a party for my first blogiversary and pulled out all the stops with a giveaway of a handmade notebook and matching bookmarks! (Thereafter I must’ve run out of this thing called Time, because I… haven’t thrown a giveaway since. THIS MUST CHANGE.)

Year 2 (2016)

Kept on rambling about books and writing and stuff. πŸ˜›

Found out The Brightest Thread was a top-ten finalist in Rooglewood Press’s Five Magic Spindles contest. (Ahhh!!!)

Joined the very first Silmaril Awards as the host of the (now renamed) Riddling and Poetry Silmarilβ€”and had to pretend I knew something about Harry Potter when the Sorting Hat won. (Not to worry, I’m actually in the middle of getting acquainted with the HP series now.)

Changed my publishing plans! I came to the difficult realization that my long-time* WIP, The Prophet’s Quest, was something I had sort of outgrown and that a standalone novel would be easier to pitch than the first book of an untested epic fantasy series. So I shifted my focus to expanding the novella version of The Brightest Thread, since that little story had utterly stolen my heart.

*And when I say long-time, I mean eight years

Wrote another one of my favorite posts, Escaping the Shame Storm.

Year 3 (2017)

More musings and ramblings…

Joined the second annual Silmaril Awards as the host of the Wisest Counsellor Silmaril. This time I was very familiar with the winner, since it was Professor Hamilton from Teenage Tracey’s favorite series, Dragons in Our Midst!

Wrote one of my VERY favorite posts EVER, Fantasy in My Veins. <3

Attended the Realm Makers writing conference for the first time! That was a dream come true.

Started a #bookstagram account @traceydyckauthor… which isn’t exactly a blogging milestone, yet kind of is at the same time? It’s like mini-blogging with pretty pictures, right?

Wrote another one of my favorite poems/open letter to creatives called hey dreamer.

Wrote Mirrors Never Lie, a novella-sized retelling of Snow White.

Began the Autobiography of a Fantasy Character blog series.

Year 4 (2018)

Found out Mirrors Never Lie was a finalist for Rooglewood Press’s Five Poisoned Apples contest (which was a huge boost of confidence during a dry spell)!

Did a two-part Q&A vlog (that was a terrible idea; please don’t go digging for that, lol).

Attended Realm Makers for the second time!

Slowed down my blogging schedule from weekly to biweekly because #collegelife.

Joined the third annual Silmaril Awards, this time as the host of the Most Magnificent Dragon category. (Eustace Scrubb squeaked in as a not-entirely-draconic winner.)

My first flash fiction publication, Dead Magic, happened through Havok! (Technically this was in January 2019, but I’m operating by Blogging Years right now, y’all, and this is still within my 4th year of blogging. Details, details.)

Year 5 (2019)

Joined Camp NaNo for the first time to motivate myself to finish a round of revisions on The Brightest Thread.

Attended Realm Makers AGAIN!

Joined the Silmaril Awards (also AGAIN) as the host of the Strangest Character Silmaril, which went to Luna Lovegood.

Fluctuated between weekly and biweekly posting… again.

Moved from Blogger to WordPress! That was a stretch for the brain, but I’m so glad I made the leap.

Jumped into the insanity of NaNoWriMo for the first time and wrote a novel-length version of Dead Magic. (Are you sensing a pattern? All these novels seems to start as tiny little flash fics or novellas…)

And that’s a little peek back at the meandering path I’ve been on with this blog (and my writing projects snuck in there too). It’s come so far, and I still have much to learn! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your lovely words of encouragement along the way. Gingersnaps all around!

And now for the surprise you’ve been waiting for…

I’ve been talking on and off about a secret project for at least a couple years. Emphasis on the on and off part. In fact, I’ve talked about it so seldom that the knowledge I even HAVE a secret project is probably a secret!

(So all of you sitting here scratching your heads and going, “Um… was I supposed to know what you’re talking about?” I see you, and I don’t blame you.)

Anyways, I DO have a secret something that’s been cooking in the background for a long time. It was stalled out by several semesters of college during which I could barely write up regular posts, never mind launch something NEW.

But finallyβ€”FINALLYβ€”the day has arrived.

I’m launching an email newsletter!

I’m ridiculously excited! All this time, I’ve been wanting a way to connect with you more personally than through a blog or Instagram post that can get lost in the scroll.

I wanted a way to virtually sit down with you and share from my heart in a deeper way. So that’s what we’re going to do. Once a month, I’ll pop into your inbox with updates and some real, honest-to-goodness “here’s a snapshot of this crazy work-in-progress called LIFE” kind of stuff.

I don’t plan to talk your ear off (or type your eyeballs out?), but these monthly emails will be one part writing update, one part heart chat, and one part practical tips or resources to help YOU as either a reader, writer, or all-around awesome person.

Maybe that sounds vague, but we’ll figure this out together. πŸ˜‰

Here’s how you can join me!

(This form will also take up residence in the sidebar of my blog shortly.)

Now, this does mean some small changes to the blog.

  1. You may have already noticed I’ve gone back to a biweekly posting schedule. With a full-time writing job and my own novel projects, posting here every week is, sadly, a struggle. By backing it off to biweekly, I hope to hone the quality of my content rather than pump out a higher quantity of lackluster posts. Less is more, right? And maybe this way you’ll get an actual real live NOVEL from me a bit sooner.
  2. The monthly Subplots & Storylines posts will now be focused just on book and movie reviews!
  3. The lifely happenings and writing updates will become part of the monthly email newsletter instead. I’ll still talk about writing here on the blog, but if you want the inside look at what’s on my writing desk… well, the sign-up form is up there! πŸ˜‰

I’m pumped for these changes, because it’s a step toward streamlining the blog AND connecting with you in a new and special way right in your inbox!

Here’s to a wonderful five years and all the friends I’ve made along the way (hi, I’m talking about YOU, you fantastic human bean)!

P.S. If you sign up for the newsletter and somehow don’t receive a confirmation email, PLEASE let me know! I’d rather catch those bugs sooner than later.


  1. Merie Shen


    I totally signed up! I haven’t been following you for long, but I love your humor and the nature of your posts! ❀️ Happy blogiversary!!

  2. Sarah Rodecker

    Congrats on five years!!!! That’s so amazing! It’s been fun to follow along and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

    Also, very excited about the newsletter!

  3. Deborah O'Carroll

    Aaaahhh congrats on five years of blogging!!!! *throws confetti and cupcakes* SO EXCITING! πŸ˜€

    I totally loved this look back at your blogging years! ^_^

    And oh my word we get to find out about your secret project?? And it’s a newletterrrr! Eeee!! More Tracey goodness right in my email. I’M SO STOKED AND JUST SIGNED UP!

    So excited for all of this! Congrats on these exciting things and best of luck with all the changes moving forward! <3

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks so muuuuuch, Deb! And to think we’ve been friends for even longer than five years! :O <3 *twirls in the confetti and dodges the flying cupcakes*

      FINALLY the day has come! Haha, awww, you're so sweet. I'm thrilled that you're excited and on the list and everything!

      Thank you again, my dear!

  4. Madeline J. Rose

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! *throws confetti* I’m so happy I found your little corner of the internet, and I can’t wait for all the good stuff to come! <333

    And YAY A NEWSLETTER!! *immediately goes and signs up* I'M SO EXCITED!!

  5. Christine Smith

    OH MY GRACIOUS YOU HAVE A NEWSLETTER. THIS IS A HAPPY DAY!!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU. *SQUEALS* I just signed up and it worked fine. So thrilled to be getting even more Tracey goodness in my inbox! <3333

    And the happiest of happy blogiversaries!!!!!!!!!! *shoot Gandalf fireworks* This was so fun reading back over the last five years and remembering all those wonderful milestones. It's been so special being on this journey with you. I seriously can't even imagine life without my Tracey.

    LOVE YOU SO MUCH, GIRL!!! I so look forward to seeing what more awesome things God's got for you in the next five years! πŸ˜€

    • Tracey Dyck

      *SHRIEKS HAPPILY* Christine, you never fail to make me smile! Thank you so much! πŸ˜€

      Yay, fireworks! Aww, I’m glad you enjoyed the recap. I can’t believe how many years we’ve known each other, by the way–because it goes back before this lil’ blog started! <3

      LOVE YOU TOOOO!!! *wipes eyes* You're such an encouragement. I'm blessed to have you along for the journey--and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you too.

  6. Skye

    Happy Blogiversary! loved reading through the highlights of each year!
    Your blog has always been one of my favorites and it’s grown so much!!

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thank yooouuu! So happy you found the highlights fun! I enjoyed digging through old posts, lol.

      *clutches heart* Skye, that’s so sweet! Thank you for being such a faithful reader–it means a lot. <3

  7. Hanna

    I am signed up and excited!!
    I’ve started checking blogs less (and posting less, oops) since I got on Instagram, but your blog is one of the ones I keep coming back to. <3
    Happy blogiversary!


    • Tracey Dyck

      I AM EXCITED TOO! Thanks for signing up, Hanna!

      Oof, me too… and I always feel bad about it, because I know how much comments mean to ME. πŸ™ It means so much that you keep coming back!!!

      Thank you! <3

  8. 'Blue'

    Oh wow, five years of blogging! Congratulations!

    Ah, so the Super Secret Project is unveiled! I was not expecting this, but it looks great!

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks, Blue! And you’ve been here for most (all?) of those years, so you deserve all the virtual cookies! <3

      Now I'm wondering what you *were* expecting... πŸ˜‰

  9. Nicole Dust

    I guess I must have missed this post somehow???? *tells off Blogger* but HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!! *confetti* *chocolate party* Five years is SUCH a long time to be blogging – congratulations!!!

    And A NEWSLETTER??? SIGN. ME. UP. Super excited to see what’s in store for you next! <3 <3

    • Tracey Dyck

      Silly Blogger, keeping the news hidden from you! πŸ˜› BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH, NICOLE! And I’m totally here for the party chocolate; thanks for that too. πŸ˜‰

      Eeeep, you’ve signed up! So happy to have you on board!!!! πŸ˜€

  10. Emily Grant

    *joins Nicole in being late to the party* I read this post and 100% thought I commented, but apparently not. xD Anyway HAPPY 5TH BLOGIVERSARY and I will certainly be signing up for your newsletter!!

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