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New Adventures

It’s a new day, the second in a brand new year. And although some may argue that we’ve merely put a new calendar on the wall, I think that here in the confines of time, as humans we like to mark definite starts and finishes. We like to think that two nights ago at midnight, we closed one book and in the next minute opened a new one rife with possibilities gleaming on blank pages.

And so we did.

And so we do tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. To a smaller degree, perhaps–but each day is fresh. God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.

Many of us, giddy with the idea of a fresh slate entitled 2016, make resolutions and goals for the year. Stats say only a small percentage actually reach those goals. Don’t get me wrong; I love goals! But let me just encourage you to strive for this delicate balance:

Dream big.

Savor the small moments.

Start each day with thanks.

Forgive. Forgive yourself, forgive the humans in your life. We’re all imperfect. Forgive the world for whatever bad turn it may have given you. Know that your Father is in the business of making beauty out of brokenness.

Divide your lofty goals into chunks, little milestones that you can celebrate along the way. The way to reach them truly is one step at a time.

Go for your goals, yes; but have grace for yourself along the way.

You cannot give what you do not have–ground yourself in God’s love more than ever before, and watch as it overflows into the lives of those around you.

As the quest of 2016 commences, I’m so blessed that our paths intersect here! May the road be straight before your feet. May you happen upon unexpected beauty along the way. May you have the strength to scale the mountains and the perseverance to cross the valleys. Sally forth, warriors! The best is yet to come.

P.S. I like to be a polite little blogger and cite the sources of the pictures I use, but these two I found a long time ago and merely saved to my computer without marking down where I found them.


  1. Christine Smith

    That first paragraph! It's so, so true. The new year feels like so much more than a new year on our calendars. It feels like a new EVERYTHING. A fresh start. And I think I needed that reminder that every DAY is a fresh start, not just every year. God is endlessly merciful.

    This was so encouraging. Things I need to remember! Especially to give thanks every new day. Your words are always beautiful and make me think deeply about the good things.

    Let's make this year a good one!

    • admin

      Exactly. I felt the same about grad, too. It seemed so big and momentous (which it was), but my youth leader reminded me that in a way, we all 'graduate' every day. Every morning it's a new start; the beginning of the rest of our lives.

      We can definitely spur each other on toward more thankfulness. 🙂 I need that reminder so often. Maybe we all do.

      Yes! This year will be amazing! *fistpump*

    • admin

      It's definitely advice to myself as well–especially the bits about small moments and having grace for yourself. And being thankful. Those things are all too easy to forget. Same to you! 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Beautiful post, Tracey! I especially liked the quote about "The first steps of getting somewhere…"
    Hope you have a wonderful year! 🙂

    • admin

      Thank you, Sarah! I love that quote too. Stuff like that reminds me to keep moving forward. 🙂
      I hope your year is absolutely splendid as well!

  3. Cait @ Paper Fury

    This is so so nice to read. :') I SO AGREE! Beginnings of years do inspire change and goals and resolutions, right?! And I think that's really nice. I like reflecting back and seeing if I met my goals. Because it's also a visual representation of growth, too, right?! (Also I LOVE that first picture. <3)

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    • admin

      Aw, thanks, Cait! You're right, it's great to have that fresh start, a reminder that we have a whole year wide open with possibility. 🙂

      (I love that picture too! Can't take credit for it, though. XD)

  4. Mary Horton

    Wise words from a wonderful blogger, once again! You continue to inspire me and help me along in this journey of life.

    I love the new year for all those reasons. It really is like a new start, a book full of blank pages just waiting to be written in.

    Great reminder, Tracey! I honestly don't know what I'd do without your poignant reminders and words of encouragement <3

    • admin

      I'm so, so glad you find encouragement here. <3

      The blank book analogy is perfect! All those fresh, white pages . . . full of opportunity. *happy sigh*

  5. Emily

    That was lovely; thank you! And the same to you: may your 2016 be marvellous.

    "May you happen upon unexpected beauty along the way" — this really struck me. We all have so many ideals of beauty in our heads — goals, events, people, scenarios — and I find it hard to remember that God isn't a genie to fulfil my wishes and dreams. Instead, he is "him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine". There will be UNEXPECTED BEAUTY. So thanks for reminding me of that, Tracey.

    PS Thank you so much for linking up with Starting Sparks! As you can tell, I'm very behind on my blog reading (hence this comment is a month late) but will read your story ASAP!

    • admin

      Thank YOU, Emily!

      So true! I hadn't even thought of it quite in that light. We can get so caught up in our plans and goals that we pass over the beauty right in front of us, never thinking that what God has in mind is even MORE than what we're reaching for. Love that!

      P.S. 'Twas my pleasure. And I love comments no matter when they come. 🙂 Hope you enjoy the story!

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