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Tag: Bryan Davis

Children of the Bard Audiobooks – Fundraising Project

If you’ve known me for any length of time, you know how much I love books. And if you’ve known me for a little bit longer, you know how much I love Bryan Davis’s books. They have impacted me in many ways: in character, in faith, in passion, and also in writing craft.

Of all his tales, the story world that has touched me perhaps the most is Dragons in Our Midst (along with the following two series, Oracles of Fire and Children of the Bard). I’ve grown up alongside these characters. The faith they display through hardships and struggles has inspired me countless times. Bonnie’s purity, Sapphira’s immense patience, Billy’s journey to maturity, Ashley’s surrender, Matt and Lauren’s sacrificial hearts . . . On every page I’ve found characters to learn from, look up to, and emulate. If you’ve never read these books, I highly recommend you do!

SongCover200Right now, Bryan Davis is holding a campaign to raise the funds needed to create an audiobook of the CotB series. His publisher made audiobooks of the first two series, but decided not to do the same for the third. Audiobooks make stories available to a wider scope of readers–the traveling, the busy, the visually impaired, the bedridden. His novels have changed my life. I want them to change the lives of others as well.
For more details, read Bryan’s blog post or see the funding page on Tilt. It works similar to Kickstarter in that no one is charged unless the full amount is reached. The goal is $2,000 to produce Song of the Ovulum (CotB book 1), with the potential to raise $8,000 to produce the whole series. As of today, the minimum goal is just under halfway funded. The end date is in thirteen days. Keep in mind that pledge amounts are in USD.
If the goal is reached, pledgers will receive prizes based on the amount they donated. (Hint hint, wink wink!)

I hope you’ll consider joining me in pledging to this project! Every bit counts. If nothing else, it would be great if you could share the Tilt link with friends and family, or on your various social media platforms. Together we can see all four CotB books produced!