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Tag: longing

summer bucket list, belated

It’s the middle of summer . . . sounds a lot better than halfway through summer, doesn’t it? (I’m in denial about the swift passage of time, okay.) Usually if people talk about their summer bucket lists, they do so at the beginning of the season, but I don’t follow crowds, so here’s my middle-of-the-summer list.

It’s half wishful thinking, a quarter to-do list, and two-thirds “this will keep my feet on the ground and head in the clouds and sanity intact.”*

*And that was not a normal whole number, but we’re all about living life to the fullest, so if my fractions add up to more than the number one,** that’s the way it should be.

**Which I’m fully aware they do. (Wow. A footnote of a footnote. Just when I thought I couldn’t get stranger.)

Anyway, with the season being in full swing, and my schedule feeling as full as ever, I’ve been longing for time off, time away, a drop of real summertime, a holiday of any sort, etc. Hence this post.

have a picnic
bike to a park and do devotions & journaling there
color in my coloring book
paint a picture (I have an idea in mind to use lyrics
from this song–go have a listen; it’s amazing)
take an afternoon to read a stack of children’s books
go to bed earlier
arrange a guest post with someone (you know who you are!)
plan at least two month’s worth of post ideas for
when college busyness hits
win the 100-for-100 challenge (we’re a third
of the way there . . . we can do thissss)
go swimming at least once
do at least two sessions of The Creative Way each month
finish going through the agent listings in the book I bought
send out first batch of queries (!!!) (this may be
the wishful thinking part)
watch Mockingjay Part 2
bask in the sun
paint my toenails because the current pink polish is half gone
read Peter Pan for the first time
actually use my people watching journal . . .
. . . and my quotes journal
take a few days off work to just chill
remember first drafts are messy
remember to have fun
remember to find joy
Besides the to-do items, it looks like I’m longing for the summers of my childhood. I can’t recreate them, but maybe I can rediscover some of the simple things I used to have time for. It’ll be interesting to come back to this list in a couple months and hold it up to what reality actually brings.
What are you doing this summer? What’s on your to-do list, or longings-of-the-heart list? Are you going anywhere or staying home? If you could return to a childhood summer memory, what would it be and why?

P.S. Voting for the Silmarillion Awards is open until July 14th! Don’t forget to cast yours! 🙂