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The Return of the 777 Writing Challenge

Over a month ago, I became one of the “seven souls doomed to be tagged” over at Stori Tori’s Blog. The reason I waited so long to walk to my doom was because . . . well, I had no project to drag with me. I had just used book one for this tag, and book two wasn’t exactly at a good stage for it. (I’d prefer to post a snippet of current writing, as opposed to terrible, three-years-old writing.)

But I am happily going to my doom now, because, ta-da, my entry for Rooglewood’s Five Enchanted Spindles contest is being written!

So. Onto the rules of doom.

The 777 challenge requires you go to Page 7 of your work-in-progress, scroll down to Line 7 and share the next 7 lines in a blog post. Once you have done this, you can tag 7 other bloggers to do the same with their work-in-progress.

My entry is yet untitled, which makes for clumsy reference. “Five Enchanted Spindles entry” or “Sleeping Beauty retelling” don’t quite roll off the tongue. But I’m sure something will float to the surface of my inspiration bog, and I shall wash all the boggy goop off of it and give it a nice home at the beginning of my Word document.

Ahem. On with the show. This scene is from the perspective of Aleida (pronounced Ah-LIE-dah), the fairy steward of the nation of Iror.


But death?
Could such a thing be softened?

[Aleida] clenched her eyes shut. I am not skilled enough. I can barely monitor Iror’s
borders, much less reverse the spell of a fairy so powerful.
A trembling
began, starting in her hands and moving up her arms, down her body. If the
princess would die in sixteen years, there would be no heir.

Thanks again for the tag, Victoria! I shall leave this ‘doom’ floating here should anyone care to walk the plank themselves. (I don’t know why, but the whole doom thing brought a mental image of a pirate’s plank.) Let me know if ye should choose this fate, matey!*
*Ayiyi. What is with me? Doom and pirates and bogs of inspiration?

 And not to worry, I still have a post scheduled for tomorrow morning.


  1. Christine Smith

    Oooh, it landed on a perfect, exciting place! Then again, ANY words of that book would have been wonderful and thrilling and beautiful. I cannot wait to read mooooore!

    Also you're cracking me up with the whole pirate and doom thing. XD

    • admin

      I was happy with where it landed too. ^.^ And gosh, you're too sweet, girl!! <3

      Haha, good…at least someone finds my odd, rambling brain amusing. XD

  2. Anonymous

    Yay a glimpse into your Sleeping Beauty Retelling! That little excerpt left me itching to read more. πŸ™‚

    • admin

      Ooh, I'm glad. ^_^ Thanks, Sarah! I'm sending the chapters off to a beta list as I write them. If you wanted, I could add you. (But if not, that's *totally* fine too! I know you're off the grid this summer.)

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