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2018 Recap // 2019 Goals

A crisp new morning. The wide open feeling of new potential. This is January–or rather, it’s my idealized January. At this time of year, I find myself reflecting on what the past 365 days have been like and where I hope to go in the next 365. It’s definitely been a journey.

At the beginning of 2018, I slowed down and took a different approach to goal-setting. You can read about it here: What Lies on the Horizon. Today let’s look at those goals and see if I hit them.

2018 Goals

Organize my beta readers’ feedback on The Brightest Thread. Check! It was one whale of a job, but I did manage to wrangle all the feedback into one place and took an objective look at the critiques. (And smiled at the fangirly comments, let’s be honest.)

Try my hand at flash fiction and submit to a magazine. What do you know, I managed that too! I wrote a few flash fics, and Dead Magic was accepted by Havok. Details coming VERY soon!

Edit The Brightest Thread. I made progress on that front, for sure. The beginning of the novel gave me a hard time (how dare it), but the first 22,000 words are now in pretty good shape. I think. It’s been a while since I looked at it, thanks to college.

Start querying literary agents. Nope, I didn’t make it that far, since I didn’t finish editing TBT.

Attend Realm Makers in St. Louis and pitch TBT again there. I did make it to Realm Makers for the second time and pitched twice, with promising results. I’m excited to pursue that in the future.

Finish The Creative Way course. Ahahaha . . . no. This was on my list of goals last year too, and I worked through even fewer lessons in 2018 than I did in 2017. College swallowed my LIFE.

Get my secret project off the ground. Aside from brainstorming, I made no progress here either. See the above reason.

Spiff up the blog. Again, nope.

Maybe plan my next novel? Nuh-uh. You know the drill by now. #collegelife

Three and a half achieved out of nine.

A couple years ago, that might have made me depressed. But now? I can smile, nod, and turn my face toward the new year. Because I know that list of goals doesn’t paint the whole picture. There were more important things I wanted out of 2018, bigger wins to achieve. Most of them can’t be quantified.

I took more time for people. I noticed a marked difference in how I treated time spent with family and friends. Not that I’m oh-so-generous now, but I’ve become a little more willing, a little more able to shut up my inner critic when it wants to yak about the looming to-do list. The people in my life mean more than getting that blog post up in time or editing another chapter.

I carved out time to read and recharge. I skidded too close to burnout in 2017 and 2016, so with college ramping up this year, I knew it was even more crucial to stay rested. Again, I wasn’t perfect at this, but there were many, many occasions I made the decision to pick up a book instead of a task in my free time. Sure, there were weeks in summer when I went full-steam ahead in editing my novel, and most definitely times during the school months that I worked my fingers to the bone. BUT. Overall, I took steps to nurture my mental health, and now I’m thanking myself for it.

Most importantly, I grew closer to God and forged a new devotional habit. Recently, I reread the What Lies on the Horizon post from last January . . . and it almost made me cry. Many of those words had faded from memory since writing them down, including this thought:

“What I know right now is that every time I have hungered for more of God and cried out for a deeper knowing of Him, He has responded. And every time, all it took was asking… and then putting one foot in front of the other with my eyes open for an answer. Another thing I know right now is that I miss digging into the Word.” [Jan. 2018]

Since writing that, I started a contemplative Bible-reading plan–and kept up with it all year. Coming from a 2017 of very sporadic times spent with God, that’s huge for me.

And when I look back at all the things God has whispered to my heart in 2018, I am moved by how kind and wise He is. All year, He encouraged me to rest, to accept grace, to trust Him. To do everything WITH Him. This was made especially clear at Realm Makers, where author Allen Arnold taught a class called Chaos and Creativity.

Books I read, people I talked to, messages from church I listened to, songs I heard . . they wove together into a beautiful melody threaded through the year, snagging my wandering attention when I strayed too far.
(And on the more superficial side of things, I finished two semesters of business college, had Mirrors Never Lie place as a finalist in Five Poisoned Apples, and read 50 books.)
I’m proud of 2018.
But now it’s time to look to the new year.

2019 Goals

Continue my devotional habit. But more than just continuing, I want to build more thought, study, and variety into it as time goes on.

Give myself more grace. This one goes without explanation.

Take better care of myself. This includes getting the right amount of sleep, being intentional about unplugging, and making space for just being still.

Graduate college and get a great job. I can’t wait! As much as I grumble about college (which is something else I need to work on), it really has been a valuable experience. One of these days I’ll share some survival tips for fellow students. Anyway, before I graduate in April, I’ll be looking for the kind of job that will make me excited to get up in the morning.

Finish editing The Brightest Thread. I’m so looking forward to brushing up this darling child of mine . . .

Send TBT to a literary agent. . . . And I’m looking forward to engaging in some serious querying!
Attend Realm Makers for the third time. It’s my tentative plan, and I’m hoping it’ll fit in the budget again this summer.

Actually finish The Creative Way writing course by Ted Dekker. Because there’s cool stuff to learn and it’s about time I finish what I started an embarrassingly long time ago.


Move Adventure Awaits to a self-hosted website. You heard it here first, folks! Rather than simply spruce up the blog, I’m seriously contemplating moving to a bona-fide website later this year. I foresee many inquiries being sent to the more technologically-minded . . .

Bring that secret project into existence. And that’s all I’ll say about that. *wink*

I do have a handful of “bonus goals,” smaller and easier-to-achieve things that would be nice to accomplish, but not absolutely imperative. Things like purging my room, purchasing a new laptop, reading another 50 books (including my nonfiction TBR stack), even getting a personal blender with which to make smoothies. But I think ten major goals are quite enough for now, thank you!

2019 holds some big changes, that much is certain. I’m eagerly anticipating a change of season, from full-time student to . . . well, full-time something else, and also the chance to revive my writing life. In the meantime, I hope to practice grace for myself and others–and face the future with a peaceful heart.

What are you looking forward to this year, fellow questers?


  1. Julian Daventry

    Realm Makers! I'm looking forward to going this year and finally getting to meet everyone in person and learn lots about writing and even take the plunge and pitch my trilogy!

    But congrats on everything you accomplished (set goals and other great things) last year!

  2. Nicole Dust

    Oh my goodness, I so hope you can go to Realm Makers so I can meet you!!!!!! (I probably won’t pitch, but I wish good luck for you – again!)

    I hope you have a great 2019, Tracey! Good luck on getting a job and graduating!

    • admin

      That would be amazing! I'd love to meet you in person!!! (Trust me, you'll get a LOT out of the conference even if you don't pitch.)

      Same to you, Nicole! Thank you so much!

  3. Savannah Grace

    YAY, can't wait to see you at RM again! <3 <3 <3 One thing I'm especially exited for this year is digging deeper into the world of freelance writing. We'll see what comes of it ;). Best of luck with all your 2019 goals, my friend! YOU CAN DO IT!

    • admin

      AHHH CAN'T WAIT! It feels like forever ago that we met! <3 Oooh, that *is* super exciting. You've been putting your work out there so much this past year, so I can't wait to see where you go in 2019!

      Thanks, girl!

  4. E.F.B.

    I love your attitude towards your goals, Tracey. While it's nice to be able to check things off a list there are so many things about life, so many ways to grow that, like you said, can't be quantified. I wish you the best with all your goals!

    As for myself, one of my goals this year is to try to get a short story published. I have one out on submission now (the second time I've subbed it somewhere) and some other shorts I would like to get in shape to be submitted. I'm also hoping to maybe, just maybe get my Sleeping Beauty retelling finished this year and then off to beta readers. If I reach that point I will probably then take my first look at Moonsilver since sending it to Rooglewood and start making plans for rewrites. My non-writing year isn't really plan-able, so it will be what it is. I do want to make a conscious effort to stop worrying about future things so much and trust God more though.

    • admin

      Thank you! Changing my attitude on that took a looong time, and I'm still working on it. 😉

      That's an awesome goal! Definitely keep me in the loop on that! 😀 It can be so nerve-wracking to submit your work, but it's such a good step to take. Brave girl–taking a look at those Moonsilver rewrites. You've got this! YES to trusting more and worrying less! <3

  5. Emily G

    I've learned not to beat myself up over goals I didn't reach, too, when I know that there was a good reason. Not writing as much as I wanted to in a day might take a backseat to spending some time with my family, and that's okay. It's things like that that I've learned to accept. If I'm working hard to achieve my goals and something happens to get in the way, I shouldn't feel guilty.

    This year I'm so excited about reading more and writing more. It's a simple thing, but I've struggled with having the time to do either since I started working. But I've fallen into somewhat of a routine now, a set of daily standards for accomplishing the things I want to. And I feel I've neglected my writing so much over the past couple of years, and I'm ready to go all in and get some stuff done!

    • admin

      That is so, so good to hear. Learning not to feel guilty over those things is HUGE! Life happens and stuff gets in the way sometimes, and while there are times we need to push through, I don't think we give ourselves nearly enough grace in those situations. Keep it up! <3

      Oh goodness, I hear you! Work takes up a lot of time, huh? That's great you've found a rhythm now. Here's to an awesome 2019!

  6. Christine Smith

    "I'm proud of 2018." <– That sentence made me SO happy. Because you SHOULD be proud. You worked on editing and went to RM and pitched your novel and got a spot in the FINALS of the Rooglewood contest. So many utterly AMAZING things! I was seriously watching in AWE at all you accomplished last year. Like…I don't know how you did it all. But I'm also inspired how you made time for family and friends as well. Something I've been thinking about a lot in my own life and need to keep improving on!

    But ANYWAYS. It's beautiful how you're continuously growing and learning. SO PROUD OF YOU! <3

    Your 2019 goals sound absolutely PERFECT. I'm so excited! You're mere MONTHS now from graduating college. EEP. And I'm thrilled you'll be continuing work on TBT and then QUERYING. *squeals for a thousand years* Cheering you on ALLLL the way! I so, so, sooooo hope we're both able to make it to RM again this year. It needs to happen! Also, you're wanting to move your blog over too. :O Look at us twinning! We can support each other with this terrifying venture. Woot, woot! (Because I'm sooo scared I'm going to like…explode my blog in the process or something. XD) I am just bursting with excitement over all these things!

    Praying for you through all your journeys. I do so hope 2019 will be your best year yet! <3

    • admin

      THANK YOU ever so much. That means a lot! <3 It's kind of mind-blowing when I look back on it all. Amazing how much one year can hold.

      It's such a journey! I'm proud of the one you're on too! <333

      Grad is so close, ohmyword, I can't wait. Thanks for cheering me on, girl! Yes, I hope with my all my heart that we both make it to Realm Makers–that would be fantabulous! Such twins here. Clueless twins, but y'know. XD (I'm worried about losing everything too, heh…)

      Thanks, Christine! And may this year be YOUR very bestest yet as well!

  7. Susie Davis

    Great recap of 2018 and look ahead for 2019. I sure hope you make it to Realm Makers; I am coming with Mr. D and you are one of the main reasons I want to come! =)

    Today starts my change from full-time hospice nursing to PRN, and I am very excited to be able to travel again with MyLove on his adventures. Here's to a wonderful, less-stressed 2019!

    • admin

      Thank you! Oh my goodness, I would so LOVE to see you at Realm Makers this July! I'm excited to hear you'll be there–it's been far too long since we met.

      That's wonderful you'll be able to spend more time with Mr. D! Happy (very belated) 2019!

  8. Jenelle Leanne

    Congrats on all the 2018 accomplishments! And thank you for sharing your encouraging words about growing closer to the Lord and making Him a priority.

    Best of luck with the 2019 dreams and goals! And oooh, a new website?!!?!? That sounds awesome!

    • admin

      Thank you, Jenelle! I'm really glad whenever a part of my own journey can encourage someone else. <3

      I AM ALL THE TERRIFIED. WHAT IF I BLOW ADVENTURE AWAITS TO SMITHEREENS? Ahem–I've got everything under control, just you wait. XD

  9. Madeline J. Rose

    *happy sigh* Realm Makers was so wonderful… ^_^ I cannot WAIT for this year!! I really hope I'll be able to make it and see all my blogging buddies again!

    TRACEY. YOU NEED TO GET TBT PUBLISHED. IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN. O_o But really, that's super awesome that you're looking at some serious querying! Yay you!! 😀

    I hope your 2019 is filled with wonder! <333

    • admin

      One of my favorite memories of 2018. ^_^ I'd love to see you there again this summer! Trying not to think of how CLOSE it actually is. o.O

      AHHH, YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETHEART. I'm very, very much looking forward to doing something with TBT soon. <3

      Aw, back atcha, girl!

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