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Guest Post – How Realm Makers Impacted My Writing Journey

Earlier this week, I had the honor of guest posting for the Realm Makers blog! So in lieu of a new post here on Adventure Awaits, I’ll just drop the link here: How Realm Makers Impacted My Writing Journey.

It’s a particularly timely topic for those of you who might be considering attending this year’s conference, because registration opens on February 1st! (Wink, wink.)

Tally ho! These days of me being an MIA blogger are numbered, friends. Thanks for bearing with me.


  1. E.F.B.

    Great article, Tracey. Realm Makers does indeed sound wonderful… so wonderful that every year I have to suppress the green eyed monster a bit as so many of the people I've connect with online go and enjoy themselves and post about it. I'm super happy for them of course,I just wish I could be a part of the fun. However, going to Realm Makers or ANY writing conference of any kind is one of those things that remains in the foggy distance for me for the forseeable future, as it would take an act of God to get me there. Not saying that He won't ever move mountains for me to get there, just that it doesn't seem like something that will happen any time soon. It's definitely something I hope will happen someday though.

    • admin

      Thank you! Oh, friend… I know how that feels. And I'm sorry if my enthusiasm about RM over the last couple of years has stung a little. It wasn't that long ago I was on the other side of the screen, reading about friends and admired authors going to RM, but sitting at home without the resources to go myself.

      So because I'm a list person, here's a short one for you. 😉

      1. Realm Makers, as wonderful as it is, isn't the be-all, end-all of the writing life. And while it might be out of reach right now, there are ways to connect to like-minded writers online and to learn from authors/industry professionals on their blogs/newsletters/online courses… both of which are a part of what conferences are all about! (Are you part of the Realm Makers Consortium Facebook page, by the way?)

      2. If going to RM is your dream, don't give up on it. I didn't know how I was going to get there last year OR the year before. Save your pennies and entrust it to God! <3

      3. Also, you never know when the location might be closer to home. 🙂

      *hugs* You're wonderful! Keep writing and keep dreaming!

    • E.F.B.

      No need whatsoever to apologize, Tracey! I love that you enjoy RM so much and it's inspiring to read how it's helped you learn and grow the way it has. 🙂

      Thank you so much for the list. <3 I appreciate the encouragement and you're right on all points. If and when the right time comes God is more than able to make it happen. 🙂

      I'm not part of the Consortium and, not being able to look at it without being a member, was never quite sure if it would be worth joining. Is it a good group?

    • admin

      (Ack, belated reply–sorry!)

      I'm glad it's inspiring at the same time! <3

      Aw, of course you're welcome. All it takes is one small turn of events. 😉

      I love the Consortium! Now, I don't keep up with Nearly all of the activity on there. I think the group has grown to 1600 members? (I adjusted the notifications to tell me only when friends had posted, rather than all of the posts, lol.) It's kind of a condensed, online version the fellowship you find at Realm Makers. Lots of fun writer discussions, exchanges of tips and tricks, a weekly prayer request bulletin, nerdy fantasy memes, etc. So if you don't find the sheer number of people there overwhelming, I'd say you should request to join! 😀

    • E.F.B.

      I joined! You're right, there's quite a few people on there, but I like it so far. 🙂 It helps to see that so many online friends are already there, too. Thanks for suggesting it!

  2. Emily G

    This post just further confirms to me how amazing Realm Makers is, without actually having been there myself. I've heard such great things about it from so many people.

    The odds of my going this year like I'd hoped are pretty slim thanks to money matters, but I'm praying that it'll work out. If not this year, another year. This is definitely on my bucket list. <3

    • admin

      That was me just three or four years ago, Emily! <3 Keep saving $$, praying, and watching for a way to make it work. (And see my little list for EFB above!) I would love to meet you there someday. ^_^

    • admin

      ONE DAY, LILA! <3 It's definitely an investment (and being a Canadian, my biggest expense is flights DDD:) but I hope you can make it sometime! *points up at the list for E.F.B* That's for you too, sweet friend. 😉

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