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NaNoWriMo Log // Day 1-7

image via unsplash; graphic mine

Whew, the first week of NaNoWriMo 2019 is in the bag! I had noooo idea what to expect from myself. Not only is it my first time participating in the NaNo challenge, but I was wondering if I’d be too stuck in editor brain to even write a messy first draftβ€”especially if I had to write it fast.

Well. It’s messy all right, but I’m actually proud of the progress made!

So today I’m borrowing a page from Christine Smith’s book (pun totally intended) and doing what she does during November: I’m going to give you a fun little recap of the first week. Partly because that’s all I have room for in my head right now, and because this is a way to share what’s on my writing desk with YOU!

Day 1 // 3,305 Words

Because November 1st happens to my birthday, I took the day off work, slept in, and got a sloooow start to my writing day. None of this staying-up-till-midnight business (although that DOES seem fun and I might do it next year??).

But despite starting only in the afternoon, I got in a solid few hours of writing. Having the original flash fiction version of Dead Magic to softly rewrite as the beginning of the story really boosted the day’s word count and probably my confidence as well!

Day 2 // 3,855 Words

Saturday, yay! Another day off, another solid writing session! It took longer than I expected and I began to worry about my writing stamina… It has, after all, been a couple of YEARS since I wrote a first draft of anything longer than a flash fiction, and even longer since I drafted a full novel.

But the words did come, albeit a little slowly.

Day 3 // 4,097 words

Okay, Sunday was on FIRE. The first hour or two was s l o w… but then I found some momentum and the words flooded in. They were poorly crafted words, to be honest, but that’s NaNo for ya. The main thing is I had fun, which is the reason I decided to take on this challenge in the first place. One highlight of the day is that I got to introduce Oscar, the literary nerd, for the first time.

Youtube Rexhar GIF

Day 4 // 2,422 Words

But then Monday rolled around, as Mondays are wont to do, and my new writing routine was put to the test. Could I write marketing copy all day at work and then come home and pump out fiction in the evening?

Thankfully, it turned out just fine this time around, and I finally got the plot moving in the right direction. (It’s had a slow and rambly start as I find my place in the story world.)

Day 5 // 605 Words

I was away from home all day, but I didn’t want to break my writing streak. Gotta get those NaNoWriMo badges, right? So I squeaked in a few words before collapsing in bed. Thankfully it was all dialogue, which I often find faster to write!

Day 6 // 2,231 Words

Another evening session of writing after work. I can’t recall anything major to report here… just that it’s been fun introducing Tami, my main character, to magic. It’s basically turning her world upside down!

Day 7 // 1,943 Words

I had a few other things to work on Thursday evening, but still managed to add almost 2k. The best part of that day was GETTING THE MAIN TRIO TOGETHER AT LAST. Character interactions are my favorite thing, especially when not everyone sees eye to eye. And Tami totally surprised me with her motivations in this chapter. #plantsing

theavengers: Grunge is a good look for you. theavengers: Grunge is a good look for you. #ruinedchildhood #toons #nostalgic
me @ my characters

Week 1 Word Count: 18,458

Overall, despite fumbling through some wordy chapters where I was finding my footing in the story, I’m shocked to find myself ahead of the goal.

Looking at the rough outline I made for the first part of the story, I have a sinking feeling that Dead Magic is NOT going to stay tidily within the 50,000-word range! I’m one-third of the way to the goal, but the outlined events are taking more words than expected. Which is okay! I just hope to reach The End before November 30th. πŸ˜›

BUT THE BOTTOM LINE IS: this is fun, I’m pushing myself to ignore my inner critic and just create story, and my characters are grinning at me like they have some surprises up their sleeves.

Tell me how your writing is going, whether you’re NaNo-ing or not! And if you’re not a writer, then let’s hear about your favorite surprising book character!


  1. Deborah O'Carroll

    Aaahhh I loved getting this look into your writing of the first week of your first NaNo! THANKS FOR SHARIIIING! πŸ˜€ I’m so so happy for you that it’s been going well and that you’re ahead! HUZZAH! You are totally rocking your first NaNo!

    Oh, I hear you on it getting longer than 50K. The only time I ever wrote the whole book during a NaNo was my second time, when it ended at 53K total–ever since, my books have been at least 90K so they don’t end during NaNo unless it’s my second shot at it like last NaNo when I wrote the second half of Siren and the Skyship. XD

    I hope the rest of the month goes swimmingly for you! And I’m so in awe that you can keep up with it AND your job! *side-eyes the editing projects on my desk I need to start fitting in as soon as life stops throwing me curveballs* Keep writiiiing! You’ve got this! πŸ˜€

    • Tracey Dyck

      Awww, thank you so much, Deb! πŸ˜€ So, so glad you enjoyed the little update! It’s been AMAZING getting to do NaNo with you and everyone else. <3

      Haha! I don't WANT this story to get to 90k, but I think it'll be 60-70k at least. *hides* And here I was hoping to finish it before December... At least I'm not alone in writing long books.

      Thanks, and SAME TO YOU! *sends motivational cookies and foxes* And I hope you're able to finish up those editing projects too.

  2. Emily Grant

    18,000 words is awesome!! Great job! (I still can’t believe this is your first NaNo!)

    My NaNo novel is based on a short story I wrote, too! And it’s been fun expanding that world and getting to know my characters more deeply. I just made it to 20k, which I’m super happy about. I got a little stuck today, so we’ll see what happens tomorrow, but I’m still feeling pretty good about the story overall. I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish this first draft this month; I’m ahead on my word count goal so far, so I’m in good shape. ;D

    I’m glad you had a good first week of NaNo! You got this! πŸ˜€

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks, Emily! (I can’t believe it either! 24 and finally participating for the first time…)

      That’s so fun. It’s nice having a short story as a starting point. Congrats on hitting 20k–wait, make that 30k now. πŸ˜‰ You’re doing fantastic. I’m really hoping to finish this first draft by the end of the month too, but… heh. We’ll see. xD

  3. Jenelle Schmidt

    Whooo hooo! What a great first week! Keep it up! I’m cheering for you!!!!! This is your first time doing Nano?!?!? You’re ROCKING it!!!

    Yes, learning to write messy with editing brain turned off is kind of the key to nano, and honestly, I’ve discovered that for me it’s the key to actually finishing rough drafts at all… word-sprinting in general has opened up a world of difference in my writing routine when it comes to finishing projects!

    I’m doing NaNo this year (it’s only my 2nd year seriously participating, I’ve merely dabbled in the past) in a semi-rebellious sort of way in that I had already started Towers of Might and Memory, but when I started on Nov. 1st I was pretty sure I had about 90k words still left in the story, so hopefully I can knock out more than the 50k needed this month and finish up the story in Dec. We shall see.

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks, Jenelle! *hugs* I’m amazed at how it’s going so far!

      I’m getting the sense that that’s how it goes, yeah. XD Word sprints are magical. Especially because I could get stuck trying to perfect the plot as I enter each new scene, but telling myself to just keep writing means MOMENTUM. And all the mess will get cleaned up in later drafts!

      Towers of Might and Memory is a super cool title, by the way. Oooh, sounds like awesome progress! Keep writing those words!!! <3

  4. Christine Smith

    AAAHHHHH!!! THIS WAS SO FUN! I am SO happy your first NaNo is going well! And you’re doing it with a full time job, and a computer job at that! I don’t know how you do it! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

    I hear you on a rambling beginning. SAME. Every scene I write just keeps going and goiiiing and I’m like, “Can we move it along, people???” But, at the same time, I’m having SUCH a grand time with this book. I just keep reminding myself it will alllll be fixed in edits. Right now I just gotta figure out the story and get it down, mess and all. *nods* We’re gonna survive this thing!

    I know I haven’t been around much in chats and things. ACK. My novel is swallowing me whole. o.o So sorry! But this was great seeing how you’re doing! I hope all the rest of NaNo is a fabulous one! WHOOOO!!! *waves pompoms*

    • Tracey Dyck

      THANKS, CHRISTINE! πŸ˜€ You’re so sweet! It’s been a loooot of work some days, but also a lot of fun. ^_^

      Right?? I have had more dialogue info dumps in the last two weeks than maybe EVER. XD People just keep talking. And things are taking so long to happen, I think because *I* don’t 100% know what’s going to happen. But like you said, it’s all going to get tightened up and honed in later drafts!

      You’ve been absolutely killing it, though–so nooo apologies necessary for missing other things at the moment. I’m so glad you’re enjoying NaNo so far! May the next 14 days be amazing ones!

  5. E.F.B.

    Congrats on the amazing progess! I’m still Nanao rebelling and it’s going fairly well. The brain fog I had during the first week of the month seems to have lifted and I’m getting back to word counts like I got during July Camp Nano, which tends to be my best writing month. Here’s hoping we both keep up the good progress!

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks so much! Yay for being a NaNo rebel! So glad to hear you’re able to write more again. That’s such a great feeling. Hope you have an awesome rest of the month!

  6. Sarahkey8

    Awesome first week! πŸ˜€ I really hope the rest of it goes super well! (also I agree with you on the dialogue thing, I find it easy/fast to write too!)

    I lowkey kinda forgot about Nano and kept getting distracted but. .anyways.

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