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On the Writing Desk (2023)

Hey ho, my friends! I recently sent out a BIG UPDATE to my newsletter subscribers (you can sign up HERE if you haven’t already) and figured… maybe I should share some of that news here too.


A lot has happened in the last year. I got married, for one! (To the absolute love of my life: a real-life prince charming who’s a big ol’ nerd like me and has become an invaluable brainstorm partner as well.)

And I’ve made quite a shift in writing projects. Read on for the details!


This story is shelved for now. Not because I don’t love the idea, but because the timing and execution weren’t right. Lesson learned: 100% pantsing a novel doesn’t work for me. (Kudos to those writers who do thrive with that method! I’m in awe of your brains.)

I’m sure I’ll be returning to WTA someday, once the idea has percolated further! This brew needs to be a strong one—the kind of strong coffee that might be mistaken for jet fuel. It’s not there yet… but one day!


Ah, here we come to the hard news. I know many of you have kept up with my progress on this Sleeping Beauty retelling for YEARS.

After over a year of querying agents with few bites, I faced the growing realization that TBT may not be the strongest debut manuscript. Besides its highly competitive genre, it had some fundamental flaws that even my most vigorous edits couldn’t seem to scrub out.

The more critiques I listened to, the more rewrites I tried… the more the story began to feel like Frankenstein’s monster, its mismatched bits of old and new sewn together with nothing more than dogged determination.

So I took a break. I let the manuscript sit untouched during my engagement (after all, I had a wedding to plan!), hoping that when I returned, I would rediscover a spark of inspiration to fix all ills.

But when I opened up that document again this spring… all I felt was tired.

Was this a sign to let it go?

Scared to give up on a manuscript I’d sunk so much of myself into, I carried this giant question mark to a lakeside cabin where my family was vacationing for a week.

There, away from distractions, I finally asked myself, “If I could write ANYTHING—regardless of what I’ve done before or what I think I ‘should’ be writing—what would it be?”

Facing that blank page was terrifying.

Facing that blank page was thrilling.

Slowly… pieces began to click together. An offhand conversation here, an interesting tourist sign there. Tidbits. Seeds.

So, I’m sad to say that The Brightest Thread has been shelved too. Perhaps not forever. After all, I love my angsty Luci and gardener prince Hadrian and dream magic with all my heart. A time may come when I return to that world—with clearer eyes and more know-how—to pick out the best pieces and make them shine.

For now, it’s time to move on. But I don’t regret writing it. I treasure those years.

Just like my very first novel penned at the naïve age of 11 (The Prophet’s Quest, if anybody remembers that far back) taught me many beginner lessons about the writing craft, TBT marked a second era of growth and learning. I now carry those hard-won lessons into a new project. A new era.

And, if I may venture to say while still under 20,000 words into said story… I think it’s shaping up to be my strongest yet.



(this is a placeholder title!)

Well, I’m not actually introducing it just yet. I plan to participate in Christine Smith’s Know the Novel prompts, so you can anticipate more juicy details SOON! For now, I’ll tell you it’s science fantasy, probably YA, and there’s a GIGANTIC lake monster.

Best of all, I’m having fun writing again.

Can’t wait to share more! For now, if you’re reading this, you’re the real MVP. Thanks for being here! You deserve all the virtual cookies I have to offer—which is quite a lot, tbh. I have an entire virtual walk-in pantry designed for times like these.*

“Times like these” being when I remember to blog approximately once in a blue moon.

And with that, I bid you adieu… but promise to return much sooner next time. Let me know in the comments what you’ve been up to this year!


  1. Zen

    So proud of you, Trace!! I am happy for you and your new project, and I’m most of all thrilled that you’re having fun writing again! Shoutout to your Prince Charming for helping you brainstorm, and for being such a support! Excited to stay tuned.

  2. Deborah O'Carroll

    It’s a Tracey post! Yayyyy! Thanks for sharing all these updates! Haha, yes, completely pantsing a novel is hard. I seem to do a mix. XD I’m excited for you to return to WTA someday though! Shelving TBT had to be a tough decision but I’m sooo glad that you’re enjoying your new project! *flings confetti* Best of luck on that!

    • Tracey Dyck

      Finally!!! XD Haha, “plantsers” unite! I do a mix of plotting and pantsing too–seems to be the best mix for me at the moment.

      I really hope to come back to WTA sometime too! I LOVE the concept, just got frustrated with the execution. 😛 Thanks for all the encouragement, friend!

  3. Christine Smith

    This was such a treat getting an update!

    It’s a hard thing shelving a story, but I completely understand. Burning Thorns has also been temporarily shelved as I’ve been heavily focused on other things. But the joy of stories is that we can ALWAYS come back to them. They never have to be shelved forever, and I also firmly believe in no writing being wasted writing. Every single story we write grows us as creatives. I’m so glad you treasured your time with TBT because it really is such a special story. <3

    BUT. I am also sooo excited you're flinging the doors open to your creativity and have something new in the works that is bringing back that enthusiasm. IT SOUNDS SO COOL. I am ecstatic you'll be sharing more about it via Know the Novel because I have been DYING to learn more about this story. We needs it, preciousss. *grabby hands* I cannot wait to hear all about it!

    Thank you for sharing these updates with us, friend! Cheering you on in all your wonderful creative endeavors! <3

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thank you, Christine! <3

      Aw, I'm sad to hear BT is on the shelf for the moment too, even if only temporarily. I love that story something fierce. <3 But you're so right, there's no expiration date on these stories, and we can ALWAYS come back to them when the time is right! Excited for alllll the writing things you're working on in the meantime!

      Ahhh, thanks again! It feels SO GOOD to be immersed in a new story again. Can't wait to use your prompts to share a little more! 😀 Love you, friend!

  4. Pingback:Know the Novel Part 1 // Project: Acid Rain – Tracey Dyck

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