Welcome, one and all, to the fifth annual Silmaril Awards! Leave your swords at the door and pull up a chair. ‘Tis my great honor to host the Epic Heroine category this year. This award should go to a female fantasy character who embodies courage—someone with a gentle heart but a backbone of steel. Someone who faces staggering odds or undergoes a difficult journey or lays everything on the line for the sake of another…
Someone worthy to receive this year’s Silmaril from none other than Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan!
Our past winners of this illustrious award include Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles, and Aravis and Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia.
I can’t wait to see who you nominate this year! But before I get to the rules and details, let me take this moment to mop my forehead in relief. Seeing as it’s up to us bloggers to house all the nominees in our personal homes, I daresay this’ll be a much easier situation for me than previous years. After all, a passel of strange characters drove me up the wall in 2019, and a whole bunch of dragons nearly burnt my house down to the ground in 2018. And that’s not to mention the buckets of unsolicited advice I received from wise mentors in 2017 or the incessant poetry of 2016.
Yes, this year I simply get to gather ’round the campfire with a horde of epic heroines and swap stories.
…Mind you, considering how many heroines have been nominated in years past, I’m going to quickly run out of room. And food. And there miiiiight be duels breaking out in the backyard between the more hotheaded ladies.
Of course.
Now, on to business. If this is your first year participating in the Silmaril Awards, WELCOME! You’re in for several weeks of fantasy fun, bookish discussions, and crazy shenanigans. All the juicy details are at the official website HERE. But this is the gist of things:
You have from today, August 31st, Through Friday, September 4th to make your nominations.
Visit each of the ten participating blogs to nominate the characters YOU think should win each category!
- Most Epic Hero // Zachary Totah
- Most Epic Heroine // You are here!
- Wisest Counselor // DJ Edwardson
- Most Faithful Friend // Jenelle Schmidt
- Most Silver Tongue // Kyle Robert Schultz
- Most Mischievous Imp // Christine Smith
- Strangest Character // Madeline J. Rose
- Least Competent Henchman // E.E. Rawls
- Most Nefarious Villain // Kenzie Keene
- Most Magnificent Dragon // Sarah Pennington
How do nominations work? Simply leave a comment on the corresponding post with the name of a character and the book he/she’s from. And be sure to read through everyone else’s comments and “second” any nominations you agree with! (To second, just reply and say something like, “I second so-and-so!”) When the week is over, we’ll be tallying up all the nominations/seconds, and only the TOP FIVE in each category will move on to the voting period. So your seconds are of great importance!
A few more caveats…
- Tolkien’s characters are not eligible for these awards. We hold his work as one of the pillars of the fantasy genre. Given that illustrious position, it is Tolkien’s characters who show up to bestow the Silmarils on well-deserving characters created by other authors.
- These awards are solely for fantasy characters! But because the lines are sometimes blurred in the realm of speculative fiction, go ahead and make an argument for a fantastical character who belongs to a book with sci-fi elements. (Example: The Lunar Chronicles counts as fantasy.)
- When nominating, please mention which book the character is from. We blogger hosts are avid bookdragons, but even we haven’t read everything in the universe just yet. (Trust me, we’re working on it.)
- Nominate and second AS MANY characters as you wish! Just be aware that you can’t make a nomination and then second the same character. We’re watching for any such sneakery. 😉
- Characters who have won in a particular category in the past are not eligible for that category again.
- Authors, you’re more than welcome to participate! We just ask that you don’t nominate your own characters. Do feel free to encourage your readers to join in, though.
- Oh yes, and remember these are for book characters, not film. In the case of stories that are both books and movies, if the book came first, it’s eligible.
- Have heaps and heaps of fun!!!

Extra Fun Stuff
Speaking of fun, you can join the Silmaril Awards Facebook group for more discussions and announcements.
And! This year, an EPIC GIVEAWAY is happening. There’ll be SIXTEEN winners, one for each of these fantastical prizes. 😀

Here’s the Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveawayReady? Get set… NOMINATE! May the epic-est heroines make it to the next round.
P.S. Be sure to come back next week for the voting period!
I nominate Leeli Wingfeather, from The Wingfeather Saga.
I second this!!
I second
*very much needs to read The Wingfeather Saga*
I second Leeli, and I second the fact that Tracey Dyck needs to read the Wingfeather Saga. 😂
Duly noted, Carrie-Anne! 😉 It’s been on my TBR foreverrrr.
I second Leeli!
I second Leeli!
I second Leeli!
Hardcore seconding Leeli!
I second Leeli!
I second Leeli Wingfeather!
I nominate:
Vin from the first Mistborn trilogy
Lady Cordelia Beaumont from Kyle Robert Shultz’s Afterverse
Echo from Echo North
Eda from Beyond the Shadowed Earth
Aliza Daired from the Heartstone trilogy
Tanwen from the Story Weaver trilogy
Egwene al’Vere from Wheel of Time
Nynaeve from Wheel of Time
I second both Cordelia Beaumont and Tanwen!
I second both Lady Cordelia Beaumont and Tanwen!
I also second Cordelia and Tanwen.
I second Cordelia and Echo!
I second:
I adore them ALL. <3
I second Lady Cordelia!!
Oooh, wondreful choices, Grace! So happy Tanwen especially made your list!
I second Vin and Nynaeve!
I second Cordelia!
I second Tanwen, Lady Cordelia, and Vin.
I second Tanwen!
I second Vin and Cordelia.
I second Vin and Egwene!
I second Vin, Egwene and Nynaeve
I second Lady Cordelia Beaumont!
I second Vin, Tanwen, Egwene and Nynaeve.
Second Cordelia
I second Vin!
I haven’t read any of these, but I’ve heard so many good things about the Afterverse, and “Story Weaver” just sounds cool, so I’ll second Lady Cordelia and Tanwen.
Oooh, Gracelyn, you need to read both!!! They’re such fun series. 😀
I nominate:
Selene from The Ravenwood Saga
Sairu from Golden Daughter
Imraldera from Tales of Goldstone Wood
Anastasia “Nastya” from Romanov
Mica from Empire of Talents
Kiva from Windwaker
Harry Crewe from The Blue Sword
Wooooot, I love this time of year!
Angua from Discworld
I second Selene!
I second Imraldera
Second Imraldera!
I second Imraldera and Anastasia “Nastya” Romanov!
I second Selene Ravenwood!
I second Selene and Nastya!
I second Selene, Sairu, and Imraldera.
I second Imraldera!
Hannah, those are EXCELLENT choices! <3 I wish I could second so many of them, but as host of this category I'm reserved for tiebreaker votes if needed. But I'm cheering for Selene, Sairu, Imralderia, and Nastya in my heart! 😉
I second Sairu, Imraldera, and Angua!
I second Selene and Nastya!
I second Sairu, Imraldera, and Nastya.
I second Anastasia from Romonov.
I second Harry Crewe!!!
I second Selene, Sairu, and Nastya!
I second Selene and Nastya!
I second Selene and Imraldera!
Definitely seconding Nastya! And Selene too!
I second Nastya!
I second Sairu, Imraldera, Selene, and Harry Crewe!
I second Anastasia “Nastya” Romanov.
Oops, I meant “Kiva from Windwalker”
And I’m not sure how the duplicate comment happened, you can delete the first one if you want. 🙂
seconds: Leeli, Tanwen, Egwene, Nynaeve, Imraldera, Anastasia, Harry
nominees: Eilonwy from the Chronicles of Prydain, Daylily from Tales of Goldstone Wood, Rose Red/Varvare from Tales of Goldstone Wood, Aerin from The Hero and the Crown, Katriona from Spindle’s End, Darcy from Gateway Chronicles
I second Aerin
Seconding Eilonwy, Daylily, and Rose REd!!
I second Eilonwy!!
I second Eilonwy.
Second Rose Red/Varvare
I second Daylily and Rose Red!
*grins over Goldstone characters*
I second Rose Red!
I second Eilonwy!
I second Rose Red/Varvare!
I second Eilonwy!
I second Eilonwy and… well, I guess I’ll second the Goldstone Wood ladies, since I’ve heard good things about them.
I nominate Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. 🙂
I second Hermione.
I second Hermione!
I second Hermione!
I second Hermione!
I definitely second Hermione! ^_^
Yes! Seconding Hermione!
Classic heroine right there! 😀
I second Hermione
I second Hermione too!
I second Hermione!
I nominate Hyacinth Smith from The Door Before.
I second Hyacinth Smith from N.D. Wilson’s The Door Before!
N.D. Wilson! After hearing him speak at Realm Makers this year, I very much need to check out his books. 🙂
I also nominate Sajda from The Traitor Prince!
Lady Amalthea from The Last Unicorn
This is my first time hearing of that book–but apparently it’s a classic? :O
Ah yes, I remember her. Second!
I nominate Antigone Smith from Ashtown Burials and Cimorene from Dealing With Dragons.
I second Cimorene!
Antigone yes
CIMORENE! Definitely second!
I second Cimorene!!
I should read Ashtown Burials soon
Oooh, more books for my TBR pile! 😀
I second Cimorene!
Oh, I’ll second Tigs!
Second for Cordelia Beaumont!!
SEconding Sairu!
I nominate:
Mina from the Bright Empires series by Stephen R. Lawhead
Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
Ginny from Paper Crowns by Mirriam Neal
Tonya from Winter Spell by Claire M. Banschbach
I second Sophie!
I second Sophie!
Also second Ginny! <3
Second Sophie!
I second Sophie.
I second Sophie! And I second Mina, because anyone who has *that* sensible and unique a reaction to being abruptly dropped in another time deserves all the awards.
Ginny, second
I second Sophie!
I second Sophie! Anyone who can deal with Howl deserves this award!
Ooooh, LOVE those nominations, Deborah! (And Sarah, I 100% agree, Mina’s practical response is AMAZING.)
I second Sophie!
I second Sophie!
I second Sophie!!!
I second Mina, Sophie, and Ginny!
I second Sophie!
I nominate Kamarie from King’s Warrior by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt.
I also nominate Ella from Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine, and Princess Addie from The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine.
Second Ella AND Addie!
I second Ella!
Abbie is so amazing! I second her and Ella!
Second Ella and Addie!!
I second all three!
It’s been so long since I read a Gail Carson Levine book! <3
I second Ella!
I second Ella!
I nominate:
-Elodie from Where the Woods Grow Wild by Nate Philbrick
-Raiballeon from Child of the Kaites by Beth Wangler
I second Elodie!
I’ve heard good things about Where the Woods Grow Wild! (And I adore that title.)
I nominate:
– Lila Bard from A Darker Shade of Magic, by V.E. Schwab
– Tiffany Aching from The Wee Free Men, by Terry Pratchett
– Susan Sto-Helit (Death’s granddaughter) from Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett
I second Susan of Hogfather!
I second Tiffany Aching and Susan Sto-Helit!
I second Susan (yesss!) and Tiffany!
Oh look, more for my TBR! (Especially A Darker Shade of Magic!!!)
I second Tiffany!
Puck Connolly, from The Scorpio Races!
I LOVE that girl. <3
I second Puck!!
Ahhh, Sarah, I’m so sorry–I checked with my fellow Silmaril hosts to see if The Scorpio Races qualifies… and sadly, there aren’t *quite* enough fantasy elements in it. While man-eating horses are pretty fantastic, the setting and time period is a bit too modern/contemporary to qualify. 🙁
But three cheers for Puck, because she’s amazing!
Aw, too bad. I never even thought of Scorpio Races being considered…well, anything but fantasy! I sadly withdraw my nomination, then. 😛
Yes!! She’s wonderful. 😀
I nominate Echo from An Echo of The Fae! She’s the smollest, sweetest bean… <3
YES. I definitely second Echo from Jenelle’s An Echo of the Fae. <3
ECHO YES! I second!
I second Echo!
Aw yay, one of our own host’s books! <3
I second Echo! (I haven’t read the book yet, but I REALLY want to!!!)
Is it against the rules to vote for a character when you haven’t read the book they belong to?
Jen, I suspect it’s okay, but I’ll check with the other hosts and let you know!
Ok, thank you ^_^
Yep, you’re all clear! No requirement to read the book first. 😀
Thanks for checking that out for me!
Second Echo from An Echo of the Fae
I nominate Karen from Dragons in our Midst, Acacia from Oracles of Fire, and Rosanna from Dagger’s Sleep
I second Karen and Acacia! Most definitely some heroic girls. *sniffles*
I second Rosanna!
Yay, another Bryan Davis fan! *high fives*
I second Rosanna!
I always have way too many for the hero and heroine categories. Sorry about this explosion of nominations, but here go!
I nominate:
– Ashley
– Bonnie
– Sapphira all three from Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire by Bryan Davis
(‘Cause I gotta give all the DIOM gals love.)
– Isabella from Masque by W.R. Gingell
– Ani/Isi from The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
– Nym from Storm Siren by Mary Weber
– Cress from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
– Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan
– Wendy from Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
– Alice from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
– Vrell from Blood of Kings by Jill Williamson
I second Wendy and Alice!!!
I second Wendy, Alice, and Cress!!!
Second Ani!
I nominate Adelaide Belanger from Staff of Nightfall, The Mercenary and the Mage book 2.
Thanks, Teresa!
I second Adelaide Belanger
Seconding Ashley, Cress, and Vrell!
Seconding Annabeth, Cress, and Ani!
I second
I second Isi and Annabeth!
Second Ashley and Cress!
Seconding Ani and Alice!
I second Wendy
I probably would second Cress But I haven’t yet read the Lunar Chronicles : (
Oh and I second Alice
I second Ashley, Bonnie, Sapphira, Isi, and Annabeth.
I second Isabella and Vrell!
Christine, I want to second just about EVERYONE on your list! <333
I second Cress, Wendy, and Alice!!
How did I miss it earlier!? I second Nym all the way!!! XD I was coming to nominate her, too! ;p
I second Ani, Cress, Annabeth, Wendy, and Alice!
I second Bonnie, Cress, Annabeth, Wendy, and Vrell!
Oohh, definitely seconding Vrell and Nym!
Second Isabella from Masque
I second Wendy, Alice, and dear Cress!
I second Ani/Isi, Cress, and Vrell!
Nominating Birdie (The Songkeeper Chronicles by Gillian Bronte Adams)
I second Birdie!
Aw, sweet Birdie!
I want to nominate:
Riette from Treason’s Crown by Anne Wheeler
Niya from Spice Bringer by HL Burke
Shannon from Dragon and Scholar by HL Burke
Essie from Fierce Heart by Tara Grayce
Tianna from Fire and Ice Cream by K.M. Carroll
Breen from Mechanical Heart by Sarah Pennington
Baili from Blood in the Snow by Sarah Pennington
Cyrus from Strayborn by E.E. Rawls
I second Breen and Baili!
I second Essie!
I second:
I’ll second Essie!
Such fun picks, Jenelle! (And all books I haven’t read yet–oops!)
I’ve been reading a LOT of indie fantasy the past 3 years. 🙂
Seconding Tianna.
Thanks for Niya and Shannon (I don’t think I can second my own characters, right?)
Hey Heidi! You’re right, you can’t second your own characters, BUT you can gladly encourage your readers to stop by and support them. 😉
I second Essie (Fierce Heart) and Baili (Blood in the Snow)!
Thrilled to see Cyrus get a vote! ^_^
I nominate Agatha from The School for Good and Evil.
My daughter nominates Sadie Larcen from The Tethered World Chronicles by Heather L.L. FitzGerald.
So cool that your daughter is participating too! 😀
Oh, and I nominate Tanwen from the Weaver Trilogy by Lindsay Franklin
Tannie! <3
I nominate:
Aurora from So Sang the Dawn by AnnMarie Pavese
Arynne from Daughter of Sun, Bride of Ice by HL Burke
thanks for Arynne !!! She is flattered but will not show it because that would give you an edge and now she suspects you’re up to something.
I apologize for her.
Haha, she sounds amazing. 😀
I nominate:
-Ailsa from The Dark King’s Curse by Wyn Estelle Owens
-Robin from The Bookania Chronicles by Kendra E. Ardnek
-Tryss from Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams
-Sabriel from the Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
-Lirael from the Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
-Steris from The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson
-Shallan from the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
-Irene from the Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman
-Isobel from An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
-Elisabeth from A Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
-Lady Isabella Farrah from Masque by W.R. Gingell
Seconding Elisabeth and Isobel!
I second Tryss!
I second Robin and Tryss!
NICE! I’m so happy you nominated Isobel!
Seconding Tryss!
I second Robin!
I second Isobel!
I nominate
-Aurelia from Mark of the Thief by Jennifer Neilson
-Nikktera from Escape to Vindor
Llewana from Second Son by Jenelle Schimdt
-Imogene from The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer Neilson
Oooh, good ones! Jennifer Nielson’s books are such fun reads.
So many nominations and seconds. My email is being flooded! 😀
Mine too! And my house is filling up with a LOT of heroines. *nervously eyes my emptying pantry*
Have fun keeping an eye on Aurelia! 😉
Yeah, about that… I might have to take away her archery privileges if she pokes any more holes in the side of my house. o.O
I’m just returning here every day to make a new comment…
Seconds: Cress, Ani/Isi, Tanwen, Sairu, Ella, Addie, Puck Connolly, Karen, Acacia, Ashley, Bonnie, Sapphira
Nominees: Shiloh from Oracles of Fire/Dragons in Our Midst, Una from Tales of Goldstone Wood (she’s admittedly not *that* epic, but I kinda just want to nominate Goldstone charries right now XD), Mouse from Tales of Goldstone Wood, Leta from Tales of Goldstone Wood
Haha, I love it!
You and I share a love for DIOM and Tales of Goldstone Wood. 😉
I second Una!
I second Shiloh, Una, and Mouse! (ALL the love for DIOM and Goldstone Wood! <3)
I nominate:
-Luneta from The Lioness and Her Knight
-Nyx from Cruel Beauty
-Peri from The Lightest, Heaviest Things
-Lynet from The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf
-Dashti from Book of a Thousand Days
-Lan from Song of a Crimson Flower
All such intriguing titles!
I second Vin, Hermione, Cimorene, Cress, Ashley, Bonnie, Sapphira, Vrell, Steris, Shallan, and Shiloh, and nominate:
-Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling)
-Marasi Colms (Mistborn Era 2, Brandon Sanderson)
-Jasnah Kholin and Navani Kholin (The Stormlight Archive, Brandon Sanderson)
Without fail, these awards remind me every year to read Brandon Sanderson! XD
I second Ginny!
I second Shiloh! I also nominate Ela Roeh from Prophet, by R. J. Larson, Tellie from Moonscript by H. S. J. Williams, Brandi and Renna Faythe from Blades of Acktar by Tricia Mingerink, Sophie Foster from Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger, and Susan Mitchell from The Restorer by Sharon Hinck.
I second Renna and Brandi Faythe!
Oooh, there are some familiar titles in your list, Iris! Which reminds me, I need to read the sequels to Prophet…
I second Renna and Brandi, Sophie Foster, Tellie and Ela.
I second Sophie Foster!
I second Sophie Foster
Seconding Brandi and Renna Faythe.
I nominate:
Thorn from Bone by Jeff Smith (very heroic)
and… hmmm…
I got nothin else
Seconding Brandi and Renna Faythe and Susan Mitchell
Thanks for nominating! 😀
I second Thorn! Just found out some interesting things about her, and I think she’s going to end up being very epic before the book is over.
Arwen, I’m sorry to say graphic novels don’t qualify after all. I just found out from my fellow Silmaril hosts. But Bone sounds super interesting! ^_^
I second Eilonwy and Rose Red/Varvare.
I nominate Kate Crane/Beaumont from Kyle Robert Shultz’s Afterverse series’, and Maraly Weaver from Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga.
ooh, I second Maraly
Kate! 😀
I’ve not read either of those characters, but I will absolutely second both of them, because Afterverse and Wingfeather.
I second Kate Crane!
I second Maraly!
Cordelia Beaumont and Kate Crane from the Afterverse Series’; Anastasia (Nastya) Romanov from Romanov; Sairu, Rose Red and Imreldara from Goldstonewood; Antigone Smith from Ashtown Burials; Karen, Acacia, Ashley, Bonnie and Shiloh from Dragons in our Midst/ Oracles of Fire and Leeli Wingfeather and Maraly Weaver from the Wingfeather Saga. Yeah, there’s a lot of them.
Imraldara, I mean. I spelled it wrong.
Seconding Kate Crane!
I know, right? We’re at over 100 nominations already and my house is PACKED with heroines. XD
I nominate Huliama from Dragon Friend by Marc Secchia
I nominate Nasuada from The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini!
And Arya from the same books!
Nice picks!
I’m also nominating Leetra and Anne (both from The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight)
I’ve heard good things about that series! 🙂
I second Anne!
I second Leetra and Anne!!!
I second Eilonwy, Lady Amalthea, Rosanna from Daggers Sleep, Annabeth, Wendy, and Puck Connolly. If I already did the latter I apologize, I got a little lost in the comments. 0.o
Haha, no worries! I’ll go through and tally everything–and make sure no doubles slip through, if there are any.
Isabella Farah, Maraly Weaver, Leeli Wingfeather, Cordelia Beaumont, Kate Crane, Cimorene, and Hermione.
And while we’re nominating Harry Potter characters, I’ll add Nymphadora Tonks, Luna Lovegood, and Molly Weasley.
I’ll also nominate:
Pet from The City Between Series
Heather and Emma from The Green Ember Series
Marta Bessarion from Wind in the Wilderness
Juliet from Bright Smoke, Cold Fire
I never would’ve thought of nominating Molly, but what a great choice!
Thanks! Molly isn’t your stereotypical heroine (that’s one thing I love about her), but that doesn’t make her any less a heroine!
Being the mom of the Weasley children is a pretty heroic act in itself! 😉
I second Tonks and Luna! And Heather and Emma, for that matter.
I second Heather and Emma!
Aww, I love Molly Weasley! Seconding!
seconding Pet
I’ll second all the HP characters!
I’ll second Nymphadora, Luna, and Molly! Gotta love the HP gals. <3
I nominate Kaitryn from the Minstrel’s Call
Yay! *high five*
I second Peri, Ginny, Sophie Foster, Maraly, Nasuada, Arya, Tonks (Nymphadora), Luna, Molly, Heather, and Emma.
I nominate Meggie Folchart from Inkheart/spell/death by Cornelia Funke!
I also nominate Aza from Fairest by Gail Carson Levine!
I second Meggie and Aza!
Both wonderful characters from books that I have a sudden itching to reread! 😀
The Inkworld books are some of my favorites! ^_^
I second Both
Meggie! Yes! I’ll second her!
I second:
Eilonwy (Prydain Chronicles)
Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Ella (Ella Enchanted)
Princess Addie (Two Princesses of Bamarre) How could I not? She has my name!
Rosanna (Beyond the Tales)
Cress (Lunar Chronicles)
Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson)
Wendy (Peter Pan)
Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Vrell (Blood of Kings)
Birdie (Songkeeper Chronicles)
Essie (Elven Alliance)
Ela Roeh (Books of the Infinite)
Brandie and Renna Faythe (Blades of Acktar)
Leetra and Anne (Ilyon Chronicles)
Nasuada (Inheritance Cycle) Just about the only thing I enjoyed in those books
I nominate:
Kyrin Altair (Ilyon Chronicles)
Kale (Dragonkeeper Chronicles)
Cassandra (Ranger’s Apprentice)
I second Cassandra!
Seconding Kyrin Altair!
*claps for your long list of seconds*
Kale and Cassandra! Ah, they’re both so epic! And both of their series rank among some of my favorites as a teen reader. <3
I second Kyrin and Kale!
I second Cassandra!
I second Kyrin Altair!!!
I second Kyrin and Kale!
I will second Cassandra!!!
Seconding Kyrin.
I second:
Nastya from Romanov
Eilonwy from Prydain
Ella from Ella Enchanted
Rosanna from Beyond the Tales
Ani/Isi from The Goose Girl
Vrell from Blood of Kings
Annabeth from Percy Jackson
Essie from Elven Alliance
Dashti from Book of a Thousand Days
Brandi and Renna from Acktar
Leetra, Anne, and Kyrin from Ilyon
Kale from DragonKeeper
Cassandra from Ranger’s Apprentice
Alyss from Ranger’s Apprentice
Enna from Books of Bayern
I second Alyss!
I second Enna!
Seconding Alyss!!!
Alyss! 😀
I also nominate Emma from Fawkes.
I second Emma! I love that girl! She is so great.
I second Emma from Fawkes! That girl was AMAZING.
Emma’s such a great character!
And I nominate Luxa from The Underland Chronicles.
Oooh, I haven’t heard of those!
I nominate Blue from The Raven Cycle.
Love her! <3
I second Aza, Cassandra, Alyss, and Enna.
I second:
Lady Cordelia
Emma from Fawkes
Ela Roeh
Rose Red (Goldstone Wood)
Maraly Weaver
I nominate:
Heloise (A Branch of Silver, A Branch of Gold by Anne Elisabeth Stengl)
Carina (Fairy Tales Adventure Series by A.G. Marshall)
Lina (also Fairy Tales Adventure Series)
I second Heloise and Carina! They are each GREAT! 😀
Ah, I NEED to read A Branch of Silver, A Branch of Gold. NEED TO.
Allis from Steel City Genie
Sylvie from Halayda
Polly from Spindle
Emma from Circus Phantasm
Alice from Vincent in Wonderland
You better believe I second Poly! That girl gets all the awards for handling Luck. XD
I recognize some of those titles!
I nominate:
Hazel from the Hall of Blood and Mercy trilogy by KM Shea
Peni from Song and Flame by Stella Dorthwany
Miranda from the Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron
Tari from Red Rope of Fate by KM Shea
Gwendafyn from Royal Magic by KM Shea
Ariadne from Labyrinth of Shadows by Kyla Stone
Meg Corby from Written in Red by Anne Bishop
I second:
Essie from Fierce Heart
Huliama from Dragon Friend
Vin from Mistborn
Pet from the City Between series
I second Peni
I’ve heard good things about KM Shea’s books! Thanks for nominating!
I nominate Elena (main heroine) from Melanie Cellier’s Spoken Mage Series.
Pretty sure I have some Cellier books on my TBR!
I second Imraldera and Mina!
Yay! 😀
I nominate Resa from Inkheart/spell/death
I second Resa!!!
I second Resa!
I second Resa! Love her.
Seconding Susan Sto-Helit and Hermione Granger.
Thanks! 😀
I second:
Harry Crewe aka Harimad-sol (I’ll boldly date myself and say that I’ve loved her from the first time I read The Blue Sword–when it was first published in 1982 and I was a young school librarian)
Imraldara, Rose Red/Varvare, Sairu, & Heloise (Yay, Goldstone Wood!!–and yes, I’m on Team Oxford Comma)
Lady Cordelia & Kate Crane (from the AfterVerse)
Ailsa from Dark King’s Curse (just read this newly published retelling of 12 Dancing Princesses by Wyn Estelle Owens–loved her spunk and loyalty!)
That’s so neat you were a school librarian! I have fond memories of my elementary school librarian myself. And hooray for Goldstone AND Oxford commas! 😀
I second Heloise!
P.S. I emailed the Silmaril hosts a while back; do you know if that got through, Tracey?
Maya, I heard there was a problem with the contact form on the Silmaril website. Sorry about that! You could try the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/358213755116172
Or, if you don’t have FB, feel free to shoot me an email at traceydyckauthor (at) gmail.com and I’ll bring your question to the other hosts!
I’m a bit late but I nominate Pet from Between Jobs
Wonderful! Pet has been nominated, but I’ll count you as a “second”!
So many great nominations! I will second Bonnie from Dragons in Our Midst and nominate Tess from Chuck Black’s Kingdom series
Hooray for both of them! WOW, it’s been ages since I read the Kingdom series…
I second Cress, Kaitryn, and Sylvie!
I second:
Echo from Echo North
Rose Red
I second
Tiffany Aching
I second Kyrin, Leetra, and Anne from Ilyon Chronicles.
So sorry, Erica–nominations closed at midnight CST last night!
Seconds go to:
Vin from Mistborn
Shallan from Stormlight
Aerin from Hero and the Crown
Kale from Dragonkeeper
Nominations for:
Buttercup from The Princess Bride
Jill Pole from Chronicles of Narnia
Rhen Tellur from To Best the Boys (I think it counts as fantasy, not steampunk)
Credenza Black from Archipelago (a webcomic/graphic novel–no movie!) She’s probably my favorite heroine ever.
Sorry, Alex, nominations closed at midnight CST last night! But stick around–you’ll get a chance to vote for your favorites come Monday. 🙂
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