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Subplots & Storylines – May & June 2020

It’s amazing how much life can change over the course of two months! At the beginning of May, I was working from home and suffering from such bad #rona hair that I bore a striking resemblance to 2010 Justin Bieber. (I kid you NOT.) By the end of June, I was back at the office, with said shaggy mop thankfully trimmed back to something presentable.

In between, I filled more sketchbook pages than I have in years, neglected writing,* and abandoned the realm of wi-fi for a week-long vacation at a lakeside cabin. That latter part was glorious and so, so relaxing.

*More about that in my next newsletter. It’s going out on Monday the 6th, and if you want, you can!sign up with that handy little form in the sidebar!

Brace yourself, because vacation = reading for me. Which for you means… ALLLL THE REVIEWS. Get ready to hear about Frozen 2, some sequel blues, a delightfully sassy historical fantasy novel, and a whole whack of other things in between.

Screen Subplots

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Dead Man's Chest | Pirates of the Caribbean

Good old Captain Jack Sparrow. Rewatching this was, of course, way too much fun. The chase scene on the island of cannibals will never not make me laugh!

Frozen 2

Frozen 2 to be released on Disney+ this Tuesday, three months ...

I was nervous about this one after hearing wildly different reactions. People seem to either love it or they tear it apart. Turns out I quite enjoyed it myself! I think the plot of the first Frozen was a bit stronger, yes, but this one did have gorgeous visuals going in its favor, and it made me laugh a few times.

And is it just me, or did the storyline mesh surprisingly well with the non-canon Frozen stuff from the Once Upon a Time show?!

*wanders away humming Into the Unknown*

The Lego Ninjago Movie

The Lego Ninjago Movie Full Download | Watch The Lego Ninjago ...

I think I enjoyed it a tad more the first time I saw it, but it was still a fun adventure with ninjas (of course), a flurry of colors, and young Lloyd’s father issues. (My favorite part, though, is Jackie Chan’s opening. It’s worth watching just for him.)

TV Shows

Once Upon a Time Season 4 Finale Review: If You're In Love, Show ...

Once Upon a Time Season 4 // With the final episode, my siblings and I finally finished rewatching this season… and now we’re putting OUAT on pause indefinitely. Heh.

The Chosen: VidAngel Presents the Greatest Story Ever Told in a ...

The Chosen // When this came out, I admit I had my doubts that it would be any different from all the other Jesus films out there. But one too many recommendations—from people whose artistic opinions I respect—made me decide to give it a go! I’ve seen just the first episode so far… but WOW, is it ever good. The portrayal of Jesus, His disciples, and others from the Gospels are so genuinely human, I found myself crying.

Is Attack on Titan Season 1 on Netflix? | Netflix Update

Attack on Titan Season 1 // Whew, my siblings have shown me about thirteen episodes over the last two months, so we’re almost done season 1 already and I can’t believe it. The plot twists! The STAKES. So many questions, and I’m sure I won’t get nearly all of them answered before season 2. 😛

Stranger Things recap: Everything you need to know from season 1 ...

Stranger Things Season 1 // Ahhh, SO worth rewatching! I’m surprised at how intense everything was even though I knew what would happen. My sisters and I zoomed right through episodes 2 to 8—and now I’m waiting for my order of seasons 2 and 3 to be shipped, because I don’t have Netflix.

The Flash Season 4 Episode 15 Review: Enter Flashtime | Den of Geek

The Flash Season 4 // With another six episodes under my belt, I’m about two-thirds into this season now. Definitely not the strongest season of The Flash, but I do want to see where it ends up.

EXO Ladder Season 2 | Exo, Exo smtown, Exo lockscreen

EXO Climb the Ladder Season 2 // Finished the final six episodes! So very fun, if you’re into K-pop or reality/variety shows, that is. 😉

Pin on بوستر مسلسل

The Guardian // My first real K-drama! As of the end of June, I was only four episodes in, but it’s way more complex than I was expecting. Without giving too much away, it’s about a single mom who’s a cop, and what happens when the law refuses to bring justice to her young daughter. Full of twisty character motivations, it’s one part crime show, one part drama, one part romance… Fun, fun!

Page Storylines

(We’re just going to take this moment to laugh at how inconsistent my book reviewing style is…)

May Reads

The Hazel Wood // Melissa Albert // 4 stars

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Wow, I LOVED the concept! The intersection of dark fairy tales with the real world is one of my favorite things, and ahhhh, it was so well done here. I did not expect the story to end up where it did, but as disorienting as it was, it FIT.

Some things I loved…

Alice is a bundle of anger and softness and coffee. Finch (oh, Finch) is all books and hipster-ness and sunshine. The two together were so fun to read about. And I also loved Alice’s relationship with her mom! It wasn’t perfect or even totally healthy, but the details were super realistic, and I love when characters are close to their moms.

The Hinterland
Making something feel quintessentially fairytale and original at the same time can’t be easy, but Melissa Albert pulled it off! I… really can’t say anything else because #spoilers.

The Aesthetic
The atmosphere! I felt every place we visited. The descriptions are lush, poetic, dark, nostalgic… just magical.

So Much to Think About…
So one of the things that stuck out to me was how Althea Prosperpine’s book of fairytales weren’t moralizing, they were just DARK. And honestly that seems pretty hopeless, but the way they wove together with the real world, and the way everything ended… I won’t give specifics, but there’s something about the theme I want to chew on for a while. It was good. Bittersweet. There’s one thing I’m really disappointed about even if it was inevitable, but the whole ending is something you have to absorb and appreciate slowly, I think.

All in all, minus the f-bombs, I loved it! The Hazel Wood is stocked with strong characters, gorgeous prose, and a love for stories woven through every line.

Heaven Came Down // Bryan Davis // 5 stars

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Read it, loved it, and reviewed it in THIS post!

By the way, the ebook just released on July 1st… and as of the time I’m writing this post, it’s even on sale! So if you’re in need of a summer thriller, ya know what to do. (Pssst, click here to find it on Amazon.) 😉

June Reads

First Rider’s Call // Kristen Britain // 3 stars

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It’s been QUITE a while since I first picked up Green Rider… which meant that it took me quite a while to find my bearings when I finally got around to book 2. I did remember Karigan… and King Zachary… and some stuff about horses and a dark forest, but that was about it. Oops.

Thankfully, the awakening of an evil being deep in the woods at the beginning of the story offered suspense right off the bat, which helped get me turning pages. And I found the stirrings of a Karigan/Zachary romance to be really sweet and surprisingly grounded in genuine respect for each other.

Karigan’s unfolding abilities were also intriguing (if a bit overused), and they made it possible to pull in pertinent backstory in a cool way.

However, the pacing of the story overall was slower than expected. I got bogged down in the administrative struggles of the Green Riders, when I’d been hoping for more monsters in the woods and magic going awry. Those things were present, don’t get me wrong… but they didn’t feel all that urgent.

I also felt that this book used quite a few fantasy cliches—the Eletians, for instance, felt like your staple Fantasy Woodland Elves Who Are Mysterious and Disdain Mortalkind. Maybe that’s just the age of the book showing (it was published 17 years ago), or maybe it was one of those “it’s me, not you” problems. (Because the very things that made me sigh, other readers may find cozy, familiar, and charming!)

Although I do wish to know what becomes of Karigan and Zachary, and I’m mildly curious about the fate of the kingdom of Sacoridia, I’m in no rush to pick up book 3.

In the Region of the Summer Stars // Stephen R. Lawhead // 4 stars

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Stephen Lawhead is a master at blowing fresh wind into the sails of classic fantasy adventures. This one had such a strong sense of place and time as it explored Eirlandia, a land of warring Celtic clans and faéry magic.

I loved our hero, Conor: headstrong, brave, snarky, and at times a little stupid. His best friends, Donal and Fergal, were hilarious and loyal to a fault. And then there’s Madoc, the grouchy druid who’s perhaps my favorite character.

Together, with several others they pick up along the way, they form an eclectic squad and set out to prove the deception of the overreaching High King—and save their homeland from the barbarian Scálda warriors.

Swords, horseback riding, courageous stealth missions, ships, chase scenes, druids, kings, tribal warfare and mysterious faéries fill these pages, and it all comes to a satisfactory (yet not) conclusion! This book is clearly a setup for the rest of the trilogy, which I don’t mind. I’m curious what will become of Eirlandia’s people, especially Conor’s younger brother, Ronan.

While I liked Lawhead’s Bright Empires series better, this still gets 4 stars from me!

Unraveling // Sara Ella // 4 stars

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Note to self: don’t wait two years to read a sequel. I forgot WAY too much about Unblemished, especially considering how twisty and complicated the magic rules are. So it took a while for me to hit my stride and get into this one, but once I caught up, it was fun!

The strong Once Upon a Time vibes continue here, as does the love triangle… which I found a wee bit frustrating at times. If I was Team Ky before, I’m 200% Team Ky now that a Certain Someone has revealed his true (manipulative) colors. Grr.

Anyway. With magic failing and thresholds draining, El has her hands full. Her spunky voice came through the narrative strongly and drew me right into her frustrations and doubts. By the time she spread her wings, I was cheering for her! (Ha, if you’ve read the book, see what I did there? 😉)

Something else I really enjoyed was the setting. We got to explore quite a few Reflections, and I think my favorite was the Fourth with all its Atlantis vibes! (Plus the sailing scenes reminded me so much of OUAT’s Jolly Roger, haha.)

While I was foggy on some of the magic (we’ve got callings, thresholds, kisses, Verity, Void, etc all colliding at once), I liked El’s growth, the snippets of Ky’s perspective, and the fairytale themes laced through the whole story. 4 stars!

Smoke and Iron // Rachel Caine // 5 stars


Reading a Great Library book whilst on summer vacation has become a much-loved annual tradition for me! Which just goes to show how fantastic this series is, because I try to bring only GREAT books on vacay. 😉

Smoke and Iron picks up right where book 3 left off, and it’s just as thrilling. The thing about these stories is that the plot isn’t fast, exactly, yet somehow it’s totally engrossing. And despite waiting a year, it was easy for me to slip back into the action as Jess and his friends work to stay alive and outwit the Great Library.

They walk right into the mouth of the dragon this time, guys. (Literally.) Their stunning plans, deception, and footwork are so BOLD, I expected everyone to drop dead. But… well, I guess you should read it for yourself.

Something I adored was that they’re not trying to topple the Library, like so many rebel characters do in other revolution stories. Rather, they believe in the Library’s ideals and want to save it from itself. The problem is how to replace its corrupted leaders and keep the whole world from combusting in the process.

Another thing: I’ve said it before, but I love love LOVE the cast of characters! They feel so real, their chemistry is so nuanced… what’s left unsaid is just as important as what is said.

While I was a bit sad that Thomas faded into the background this time around, Khalila really shone! She’s the most even-keeled person on the squad, stepping up as a leader when there’s a void. Her diplomacy is equal parts delicate wisdom and unflinching steel. (Plus she and Dario together are adorable.)

The only downside? Some of the characters’ perspective on love I found sadly lacking/misguided, and the immersiveness of the setting wasn’t quite as strong as the first three books. (Maybe because we’re revisiting Alexandria, a place we’ve already been?)

I can’t wait to read the finale on next year’s vacation! 5 stars!

Wicked Fox // Kat Cho // 4.5 stars

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This is an urban fantasy set in South Korea, where a girl named Miyoung lives in hiding… because she’s half-gumiho, a.k.a. a magical nine-tailed fox, who feeds off the energy of humans every full moon. Although she targets criminals, she hates taking lives to preserve her own.

Enter Jihoon, the sweet and unsuspecting boy Miyoung saves from a dokkaebi (goblin) one night in the woods. When she loses something very precious in the process, their lives become suddenly entangled. And of course a romance sparks.

This was such a fun, sweet-but-slightly-dark-and-angsty story that’s basically a K-drama in novel form! (Am I the only one who’d like to see it turned into a web comic too?)

I loooved learning more about Korean folklore, salivating over all the food, and getting to know a modern-day Seoul sprinkled with magic. The worldbuilding was great.

And the cast! There weren’t many characters, but the intrigue and shifting beliefs/loyalties between them made for plenty of drama. I just have to take a sec to flail about my favorites:

  • Jihoon: basically a cinnamon role with abandonment issues
  • Miyoung: icy loner who’s really a softie
  • Jihoon’s haelmoni: okay, his grandma is hilarious and SPUNKY and I loved her so much
  • Jihoon’s friends: there’s Somin, who’s like his tomboy sister; and timid/polite Changwan who accepts Miyoung no problem (my favorite scene is with all four teens together just being FRIENDS)
  • Junu: oh man, this guy is full of it, but I loved him

This story goes from a meet-cute to a life-or-death drama with supernatural elements, but still pauses for teenaged angst that… oddly didn’t annoy me. I was just having too much fun! Miyoung and Jihoon become friends before it really turns into a romance (and they’re like the sun and moon together, so opposite but perfectly paired). I also loved the little mythological asides explaining the history of gumiho.

I would’ve liked to see a bit more specificity in the looming 100-day countdown Miyoung faced. And some of you reading this review may not be comfortable with the presence of shamanism and Taoism, but I viewed those elements as part of the fantasy element, so… *shrugs*

Overall, this was just enough fluff mixed with intensity to keep me flipping pages and fangirling over every Miyoung/Jihoon interaction! The end offered a chilling hint at book 2, and I’m SUPER excited that it’ll be starring Somin and Junu.

4.5 stars!

My Lady Jane // Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows // 5 stars

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Oh. My. Flipping. Heck. This was SO FUN. I don’t know why I took so long to read it, especially when I must know at least half a dozen friends who loved it too!

First of all, historical fantasy. I’ve had a craving for it lately, and this was just the thing I was looking for. I mean, it’s the Nine Days’ Queen + people who can turn into animals. And instead of a Catholic/Protestant divide, the conflict is over people’s views on said folks with animal forms.

So that already made for a happy Tracey.

Then there’s the humor. Pretty sure I laughed every five pages or something. It’s irreverent, completely anachronistic, and so very cheeky. And a big reason the humor worked (aside from the brilliant narrative voice), was the crazy cast of characters. Allow me to make some brief introductions.

Lady Jane herself: the spunky redhead who reads too many books (relatable) and is very decided in her Opinions
Edward: the young, spoiled king who’s really Trying His Best Not to Die of Poison
Gifford: a.k.a. G, who is unfortunately a horse by day and an unappreciated poet by night—and did I mention his and Jane’s marriage gets arranged within a WEEK? And that she has no idea about his, ah… equine nature? *grins*

And that’s not even getting around to the other secondary characters who join in for some good ol’ conspiracies and assassinations.

About halfway through the book, the story goes completely off the historical rails and spins a new yarn. I loved all the deviations, although the switch in pacing between the first and second half felt a tiny bit jerky. (The final half covers a lot more ground in a pretty quick manner compared to the beginning.)

Also, this was no issue for me, but younger readers may want a heads-up that the arranged marriage between Jane and G, with all the post-wedding awkwardness that one would expect, is played for laughs. It’s pretty PG for the most part.

Overall, I LOVED this book to pieces. I’ll be rereading it in the future—and hunting down the rest of the Lady Janies in the bookstore next time I venture out. 🙂 5 stars!

We made it to the end! You’re a patient soul if you read that whole thing. Now tell me: are you adding any of those books (or shows) to your TBR (or watch list)? And how have YOU been the past couple months?

P.S. I mentioned this at the beginning but then proceeded to yabber on about SO many things, I want to make sure you haven’t forgotten: there’s a new update going out in my newsletter on Monday! If you’re not signed up yet, the form is up there in the right sidebar, where it says “Join the journey.” ❤️


  1. Merie Shen

    It was fun reading your mini-reviews on all these! I was one of the people who enjoyed Frozen 2, personally, even though it wasn’t exactly the best xD I’m totally putting Wicked Fox on my TBR! And ughh, I’m still torn about whether or not to watch the first few (you know, GOOD) seasons of OUAT… Though I guess I know well enough by now where I’d have to stop 😂

    • Tracey Dyck

      I’m so glad! There were SO MANY this time, so props to you for getting through all of them. XD There was definitely a lot to enjoy about Frozen 2! I tried not to be overly critical of it and to just enjoy the music and animation, haha… Yessss, I can’t wait to hear what you think of Wicked Fox. As for OUAT, the first three seasons are well worth watching, in my humble opinion. The rest is… up to you. XD

  2. Christine Smith

    Aaahhhh you consumed so much delicious-sounding fiction last month! So, so glad you had a relaxing vacation. ^_^

    It’s funny, when I first saw Frozen 2 I liked it quite a lot. I think I was just expected it to be disappointing, and then when it turned out being not bad I was pleased. XD BUT, afterwards, the more I thought about it, the more problems I kept finding with it. So…now I don’t even know. Lol. I think I DO like it as an entertaining movie, and as far as sequels go, it wasn’t bad at all! But it definitely could have been…I don’t know, stronger story-wise. Still, I expected it to be trash, so I’m pleased they did at least try a little. XD

    I’m super tempted to try The Chosen myself! I’m always skeptical about shows/movies like that but I, too, keep seeing raving reviews about it, so now I’m curious. And it would be so lovely if someone actually DID make a good Jesus story. Usually they’re lacking so much. :-/

    The Hazel Wood was SUCH a weird book but I LOVED IT. Deeefinitely wish the language had been brought down by like 37 notches. *sigh* But otherwise, wow, such a deliciously dark contemporary fairy tale. And the plot twist took me by surprise! I loved it!

    I keep meaning to read Sara Ella’s books! And I definitely want to try Wicked Fox! It sounds so cool! And Bryan Davis’ new books, and The Great Library series, and…basically all these. XD So many books, so little time!

    BUT MY LADY JANE. That one I ESPECIALLY need to read. Everybody raves about it so much, and it just sounds like the most amusing, unique thing. I NEEDS IT.

    I always, always enjoy your book and media reviews, so this was a treat getting a lot of them! 😀 So glad you found so many delicious stories to consume last month. I hope this month proves to be just as fabulous story-wise, and that you have a WONDERFUL July!

    • Tracey Dyck

      So many good reads, yes! My stack of vacation books is carefully curated, lol.

      Eheheh… I can see why. I haven’t given it *too* much thought since watching it, partly because I think my opinion might drop a little too if I actually start analzying it. o.o It’s too bad the plot didn’t quite match the gorgeous visuals! (And you’re right, it could’ve been trash and wasn’t, so that’s something to be thankful for.)

      Even though I’ve only watched one episode, I already recommend it WHOLEHEARTEDLY. I think you’d enjoy it too! You can get The Chosen app and watch for free… and there’s probably a way to watch on desktop too, but I haven’t looked into it.

      I kNOW. Such a crazy, beautiful mix! Barring the language, it would’ve been a five star rating from me. “Deliciously dark” is the perfect way to describe it. ^_^ Do you think you’ll read the sequel?

      YES YES, READ THEM ALLLL. I mean, you might need to find a way to stop time for a while to get around to everything, true… but those books are all so fun. 😀

      ESPECIALLY MLJ!!!! Christine, you’d adore that one. The humor is right up your ally!

      Awww, yay! That makes me so happy. <3 I hope the exact same for you and your July, Christine!

  3. Skye

    I recently rewatched Dead Man’s Chest too, it never fails to make me laugh.
    I’m so glad you liked The Hazel Wood, I had a few quibbles with it too, but it’s so beautifully written and lush.
    (The Justin Beiber reference, perfection) XD

    • Tracey Dyck

      It’s such a great series! My absolute FAVORITE moment, though, is probably the opening scene with the bank from Dead Men Tell No Tales. XD

      Right? Definitely a handful of Issues but also SO much to love.

      (Haha. Be glad I didn’t include a picture.)

  4. Deborah O'Carroll

    Oh, fun! I’m so glad you had a good vacation and I love these recaps!

    Pirates is so fun. XD I quite enjoyed Frozen 2 myself. 🙂 I’m sooo curious abou Attack on Titan! And I think I’m somewhere in season 3 of OUAT. XD

    In the Region of the Summer Stars! *shrieking* I need to hurry and read the second one (next on my non-review-book list) because the final one is releasing next week! *cue screaming* I’m excited. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

    I have heard SO many good things about My Lady Jane and I NEED IT, HALP. It sounds so fun so thanks for the reminder!

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thank you, my dear! *hugs*

      ISN’T IT? I don’t ever get tired of POTC. Oooh, I don’t know whether you’d LOVE Attack on Titan or hate it because sadness… soooo I’ll let you figure it out. Haha, you’re right on the edge where my favorite part of OUAT started to go sloooowly downhill. XD

      *shrieking with you* I thought of you while I read that one! I could totally see why you loved it. Ahhh, right, I remember seeing that the third book comes out this month. 😀

      Okay, I think you’d love My Lady Jane! IT’S SO FUNNY. Hope you enjoy!

  5. Sarahkey

    Really glad you enjoyed your vacation!! ^.^

    Frozen 2 was very okay in terms of plot, the animation was absolutely EPIC though!

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thank you, Sarah! 😀

      Ahhh, I know–the animation was GORGEOUS and helped make up for the weak points in the story.

      Hope you have a wonderful July!

  6. Emily Grant

    I still haven’t seen Frozen 2!! I, too, have heard mixed reviews… some people say it wasn’t as good as the first one and some say it was way better. I was never blown away by Frozen like the rest of the world seemed to be (oops), so I’m really curious to see how 2 plays out. (Especially now with what you said about it kind of fitting in with the OUAT story!)

    So many interesting-sounding books! I’ve seen a few people raving about the Jane books, and I AM SO INTRIGUED. I’m not sure but I think I need them in my life. xD

    I haven’t read the Unblemished series yet, but I have the first book and I’m really looking forward to it! Although I think I’m going to make myself wait until I have at least the second book before I read the first one, because I always forget like half of everything when I wait too long between books. xD Also I’m endlessly in loveee with those covers. *heart eyes*

    • Tracey Dyck

      I think the first Frozen got overplayed for me. I started out LOVING it because it was so different, then grew tired of all the raving fans and merch for a while. 😛 But I’m curious what you’ll think of 2 as well!

      GOOD. Because they ARE intriguing. 😉 I laughed soooo many times while reading My Lady Jane.

      Good idea, haha. Speaking of which, I should get my hands on book 3 soon so I don’t forget everything that happened… again. XD And oh my gracious, yes, those covers are splendid.

      Hope you’re having an amazing July, Emily!

    • Tracey Dyck

      YES WE DO! 😀 Ahhh, I think you’d enjoy Wicked Fox! I had never heard of nine-tailed foxes till I read this one, and it was super interesting. Same with the dokkaibi and other Korean folklore creatures it included.

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