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The Hour Has Come… (Silmarillion Awards presentation schedule)

The hour has come, fellow questers! You have raised your swords; you have let your voices be heard. Ten winners have emerged victorious because of you, and the time has come to unveil these mighty victors.

But we are all fond of dramatics, so rather than parade them out all at once, our suspense will be heightened as each category’s winner is announced one at a time. It began on July 16, and shall continue until July 28. (That’s more than ten days, the mathematical among you say? There’s such a thing as weekends off, you know.) Even I don’t know any of the winners, besides my own and the two that have been announced at the time of this writing!

Each of us hosting the Silmarillion Awards will have a distinguished “guest” present on our blogs to present the awards. So far, it’s been great fun to meet guests such as Arwen and Aragorn, and I can’t wait to meet the rest of the presenters and discover who all the winners are!

I’ll be updating this schedule as the posts go live.

Sat. July 16 // E. Rawls with Best Fantasy Weapon
Mon. July 18 // Madeline J. Rose with Most Epic Hero
Tues. July 19 // Abbey with Most Nefarious Villain
Wed. July 20 // J.L. Mbewe with Best Redemption Story
Thurs. July 21 // Jack Lewis Baillot with Best Fantasy Mount
Fri. July 22 // myself with Riddling and Poetry
Mon. July 25 // Zachary Totah with Wisest Counsellor
Tues. July 26 // Deborah O’Carroll with Strangest Character
Wed. July 27 // DJ Edwardson with Most Faithful Friend
Thurs. July 28 // Jenelle Schmidt with Most Heart Wrenching Death Scene
Fri. July 28 // Tolkien Party!

See that last item on the schedule? That’s the time where everyone and anyone who wants to can join us in celebrating the birthday of Lord of the Rings! Blog posts, Facebook/Twitter/anything else posts–you can celebrate anywhere you like, however you like. Show your love and appreciation for this epic fantasy story that has touched hearts and helped shaped the genre into what it is today. Jenelle is going to try to include a linkup on her blog so you can share your links and we can all have a big ol’ party worthy of Gandalf’s fireworks.

In the meantime, make your way to each stop on the list during the coming week and a half, and be sure to congratulate the winners!

Tenna enta lúmë!
[Until that time in Quenya.]


  1. Christine Smith

    WHOO. I am ECSTATIC about this!!! 😀 Doing it one day at a time totally adds to the suspense of it. I'm just twiddling my thumbs each day waiting for the next award to be presented.

    This is so funnn!

    • admin

      Me too! Hard to believe the presentations are half over already… *sniffle* It's so much fun seeing who the most popular character/item has been in each category. (Lots of Narnia so far!)

    • admin

      You're welcome! 🙂 Sorry I've been late at getting the links updated. Deborah also shared the schedule, and I think Jenelle did as well.

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