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Welcome to the New Blog!

Hello, my long-lost friends!

Welcome to the shiny new! I’m SO excited to finally unveil it. Last you heard from me, I was going on hiatus. That was back in early May.

Yep. Two whole months ago.

I didn’t expect building a new website would take so long, but let me tell you, it was a big learning curve. Not to mention the veritable whirlwind of other life-y things happening over the past two monthsβ€”but that’s a post for another day.

This new site isn’t quite perfect; there are a few minor tweaks to be made over the coming weeks. (For instance, don’t go digging in the archives yet. The formatting went a little haywire during the transfer, and my pet dragon hasn’t finished categorizing all the posts.) But I thought you’d been kept waiting long enough, so here we are in all our imperfect glory!

Now that we’re settling in to this new home, here’s some quick housekeeping points.

  1. I want to get back to posting weekly. That spotty once-or-twice-a-month schedule is (hopefully) behind us! But bear with me: July is pretty full of wonderful things, so I might need time to pick up blogging steam again.
  2. The reason I even blog at all is YOU. It’s clichΓ©, I know! But truly, I want my words and this place to add something of value. With that in mind, I plan to be more intentional about post topics . . . and I still have a super-secret project stewing on the back burner that I think you’ll love. Keep an eye out.
  3. I also want to do a better job of connecting with you and spreading the blogger cheer around. My goal is to start visiting your blogs again soon! And regardless of whether you have a blog, I’m always up for a chat here in the comments or even my DMs on Instagram or Goodreads.

So! With that now publicly declared, let’s hear from you! I’ve missed you, so let’s jump into the comments and chat.

Firstly, how are you?

Secondly, should we keep calling this blog by the old name, “Adventure Awaits”?

Thirdly, if you see any website design goofs or things to be improved, don’t be shy. Tell me!

And fourthly, …

(Feel free to answer any or all of those inquiries. Or none. Be a rebel.)


  1. Mikayla Holman

    Your new site is beautiful!! I love the green and forest themes. I can’t wait to see what comes! I’m doing really well. =) I like the title just being your name. It fits well. I am wondering though, how do I follow?

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thank you, Mikayla! Forest vibes was something I wanted to bring more to the forefront for sure! So glad to hear you’re doing well. Hope summer is off to a great start for you!

      Good to hear it! And oh my, you’d think after two months I would’ve remembered something as obvious as a follow option! XD Good grief. I’ll look into adding that option ASAP!

  2. Liv K. Fisher


    I recently moved to WordPress too, so I’m totally with you on all those formatting errors to fix! (So. Many. Posts. *cries quietly*)


    • Tracey Dyck

      Ahhh, I’m so glad you love them too! I just want to live in that forest. ^_^ Thanks so much, Liv!

      You moved too? I’ve been so behind on everyone’s blogs, I didn’t know. Congrats! (But yes… allll the formatting. Blegh.)

      Thank you again, darling! <3 <3 <3 *hugs back*

  3. Christine Smith



    *brings giant cake as a “housewarming” gift*

    I literally feel like I’m walking through a gorgeous forest full of wonders just exploring this lovely place. EEEEEE!!! It’s so exciting! Congratulations, m’dear! You out did yourself. Everything looks perfect to me. I cannot waaait for all the epic Tracey-ness to come!

    • Tracey Dyck

      I’m grinning so big right now! <3 And wolfing down that housewarming cake!

      Thank you for your sweet words! So happy you like it! I couldn't have done it without your help--thanks for all the advice every time I flooded you with questions. πŸ˜€ I'm beyond excited to be back in the blogging world again!

  4. Christine Smith

    (OH! I did mean to ask. Are you going to have a follow option somewhere? Like follow by email or through WordPress reader or something? Because I never remember to look at blogs if they don’t appear in my inbox or dashboards. It’s bad. XD)

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks, Keturah! I think it costs me a bit over $100 a year for the domain? I honestly don’t recall the exact numbers, since it’s been a few months since I took that step. πŸ˜› Transferring Blogger content over to WordPress is a bit of a learning curve, but the good thing is, there are tutorials and walk-throughs all over the internet for most of the questions you’ll run across!

      As for benefits, WP offers more customization and generally looks cleaner and more professional (in my opinion). And having your own domain name (without the or in your URL) also looks more professional.

      I’d love to visit your blog again! It’ll have to wait till after Realm Makers craziness dies down, but I’ll be back! πŸ˜‰

  5. Emily G

    I love it!! It looks so good. πŸ˜€ As far as the name, I would be totally on board with keeping Adventure Awaits… buut if you have a fresh new name you’d love to go along with the fresh new website, that would be great too! πŸ™‚

    • Tracey Dyck

      Yay! Thank you, Emily! πŸ˜€ I’m still undecided about the name… I’m not sure if it makes sense to give it a name that’s different than the url (even though I did it that way over on Blogger). But it’s also weird to say “…and over here on, blah blah blah.” XD So we’ll seeeee what happens!

  6. Jessi Rae

    Love the new website! It’s so pretty. πŸ˜€ I can’t wait until you get the follow option up so I can follow it… πŸ˜‰ Also, I think it would be cool if you kept the title Adventure Awaits–it would especially fit this cool forest theme you have going on.

    • Tracey Dyck

      Aww, thank you, Jessi! πŸ˜€ I’ve been meaning to work on that follower option, but Camp Nano and Realm Makers prep is swallowing up all the time. So–it’s still Coming Soon. πŸ˜‰ (Are you going to be at RM this year?)

      I’ll definitely think about it! I’m still a bit undecided, but that IS a good point.

        • Jessi Rae

          Also, yay! I think I’m following you already now by the “notify me of new posts by email” feature when one makes a comment. πŸ˜€

      • Jessi Rae

        Yeah, those would keep a person busy (not that I’ve really done either, even though I did go to RM last year XD)! (I wish! But unfortunately, no, I won’t be able to go to RM this year. We spent a bunch of money to spend a month in Russia with family we found just last year, so we can’t afford RM. *sobs* Hopefully I can go next year! Last year’s RM was so amazing… I may not have talked to too many people, but I know it’s definitely my group of people. <3)

        • Tracey Dyck

          Awesome! Thanks, Jessi! πŸ˜€

          (Awww, I’m so sorry you can’t make it this year! You’ll be missed. <3 But how cool that you spent a month in Russia!!! And visiting long-lost family? That sounds amazing. Hopefully I'll see you at RM in 2020!)

  7. Tracey Dyck

    I’m just happy that my Nicole is here! Hello! <3

    THANK YOU SO MUUUUCH! I'm excited too. (And yessss, I'll be seeing you there! Please come introduce yourself! I don't know if I'll recognize you... I have a feeling you don't look like your profile pic. XD)

    • Tracey Dyck

      Thanks so much, Tori! <3 Right now, all I have is the WordPress subscribe button--look for the little blue guy close to the top of the right sidebar. I'm working on getting an email subscribe option up and running!

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