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Well met, fellow travelers!

I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Tracey Dyck, and at the moment, all the clever ways I planned to succinctly introduce myself have scurried out the back window and left me with a blank page. So let’s start with the basics, in no particular order.

I am:

  • 19 years of age

  • Canadian

  • a homeschool graduate

  • a writer

  • a God-chaser


And now for some random facts.

I feed on words. The smell of spring is hope to me. My bookshelves are congested. I have awesome parents and three awesome younger siblings. I live in the Prairies. I read and write pretty widely, but fantasy is my homeland. I write because I need to, and because I hope that someone else needs me to. New notebooks call to me. I take pictures of shadows. I sketch. I am a slayer of evil dragons and a friend of good ones. I am an introvert. My space is organized chaos. I love the colors of the Caribbean, of watermelon, and of new leaves. Please take me to Narnia because I left my heart there. I love children. Dark chocolate trumps milk or white. Captain America is, without a doubt, my favorite Marvel superhero. Apparently my personality type is the same as Batman’s, though I fail to see many similarities. I laugh easily and cry easily. I am a paradox because a sunny optimist and a cynic coexist in my brain. I adore humor. I am a girl of strong convictions. Jesus is the difference in my life; He is my anchor, my shield, my fortress.

Now, what should you expect on this blog? Good question. Even I’m not entirely sure. But I think you’ll find a mix of the big and the small, the important and trivial. A blend of life and faith and anything story-related. I aim to post about once a week, but that schedule may change as I settle into it and find out what works.

Life truly is a grand adventure! I sincerely hope that this place will be a rest stop where you can brush off the dust of your travels, warm your hands by the fire, and find stories in the coals. I hope that this is an armory where you can sharpen your blade, shine your armor, and stock your quiver. Here is where our quests intersect. Let’s swap tales, remind ourselves of the light, and look for the story the Author is weaving in each of our lives. To the wanderers, the wayfarers, the voyagers—I bid you welcome!


  1. Christine Smith

    TRACEY HAS A BLOG!!! *twirls*

    It is so gorgeous, I am in love!

    It's insane how similar we are. Reading this post was almost like reading a post about me. Especially when you said, "I am a paradox because a sunny optimist and a cynic coexist in my brain." YES. YES, YES, YES. I never knew how to express it, but that's exactly how I am! You always know the perfect way to express things.

    This is all perfection. I cannot WAIT to read more Tracey posts! Congrats on the blog launch, dear friend. ^_^

    • admin

      Awww, thank you, Christine!!! You totally made my DAY!

      Twins moment again. XD And ah, you're too sweet.

      Thanks so much! I'm thrilled to have you along for the ride!

  2. Anonymous

    This is so you! It's a wee bit random. Though you're more than a wee bit random at times… 😛 But still–you completely. And I love it. 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    Hello, Tracey! It seems we have much in common—I am also a nineteen-year-old homeschool graduate living with my family, a writer, and, as you put it, a God-chaser. And I fear I know all too well that strange mixture of the sunny and bright and the cynical. And the congested bookshelves. And the call of fresh notebooks. And the laughter ripping my side before I realize it.

    I look forward to following your journey!
    Olivia Hofer

    • admin

      Hi Olivia! I was trying to remember where I'd read your name, and then I realized you did a guest post on Bryan Davis' blog too. 🙂 (Which I enjoyed, by the way.)

      What do you know–we do have a lot in common! 😀 It's a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for commenting!

    • Olivia Hofer

      Yep, I did. I enjoyed yours as well! 🙂

      Ah, Blogger and WordPress are giving me grief together. I didn't realize my comment linked to my little germ of a blog—it may be properly launched in the future, if I don't change my mind and scrap the thing.

    • admin

      Thank you! 🙂

      Botheration. Technology gets wonky sometimes. I took a peek at your "little germ of a blog." It looks great so far! Let me know if/when you launch it. ^_^

  4. Deborah O'Carroll

    EEEEP! TRACEY HAS A BLOG! <3 *does little dance of joy* This was a beautiful, delightfully random first post, and I will look forward to reading your wisdom, wit, and epicness, often! ^_^ (Also, the amount of thins in this post that are also me, is kind of crazy! Chocolate, introvert, fantasy homeland…) YOU ARE AWESOME! ^_^ *huggles*

    • admin

      You wonderful person, you! <3 Thank you, dearie. You're just too sweet. I am so glad to have you along for the ride! *huggles you back*

      And hooray for chocolate, introverts, and fantasy! XD

  5. Tanzy

    Welcome to blogworld! 🙂 It's fun to see more about you, and I look forward to seeing your posts. (and hopefully google friend connect lets me follow you at some point…it's acting up right now. :P)
    I love your header, by the way! 😀

  6. Anonymous

    Well, sis, looks like you need another guy to comment on your blog. Ya know, to balance things out a little. 😛
    I'm pretty sure I knew all the "basic info." 😛 And did I know I was considered awesome? I did. But how the blazes is your personality ANYTHING like Batman's?! As far as I know, you're not prone to brooding or doing vigilante stuff. And yes, Captain America is just plain AWESMAZING!
    I look forward to reading more posts on your blog (which I will not be doing at the moment :P). But I will be back. When I will be back, I don't know, but hey, at least I'll be back. 😛

    • admin

      Thanks for helping to balance out the commenters. XD
      Probably did, considering the small fact that we're siblings. (And man does it feel weird to communicate *online* with you.) I promise you, that comparison was not something I came up with. LOL, nope, no vigilante stuff here.
      Why thank you! ^_^

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