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Category: Dead Magic

NaNoWriMo Log // Day 1-7

image via unsplash; graphic mine

Whew, the first week of NaNoWriMo 2019 is in the bag! I had noooo idea what to expect from myself. Not only is it my first time participating in the NaNo challenge, but I was wondering if I’d be too stuck in editor brain to even write a messy first draft—especially if I had to write it fast.

Well. It’s messy all right, but I’m actually proud of the progress made!

So today I’m borrowing a page from Christine Smith’s book (pun totally intended) and doing what she does during November: I’m going to give you a fun little recap of the first week. Partly because that’s all I have room for in my head right now, and because this is a way to share what’s on my writing desk with YOU!

Subplots & Storylines – October 2019


I figured out a new way to tell time, and it’s not clocks. It’s Instagram. Somehow everyone on there moved from Anne Shirley’s “I’m so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers” quote, to panicked shrieks of “NANOWRIMO COMETH!!!” This all happened in a synchronized movement across my entire feed, so either every bookstagrammer is telepathic, or we all copy each other. (Which, y’know, is a valid option too.)

In actual news, October was a productive writing month, I’m still in love with Stranger Things, I celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving, and got a drastic haircut!

By the way, my brother Josiah @ The Steadfast Pen had a story called From the Mind of the Dead published on Havok and it was EXCELLENT. If you’re a member, you can still read it!

Know the Novel Part One – Dead Magic

You know how I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I’m participating in NaNoWriMo for the first time in my life? Yeah, well, the planning and plotting of “Preptober” has been… interesting. I’ve been in a weird floating state all month, bouncing between The Brightest Thread edits, short story edits (on Petrichor) and NaNo plotting. With November 1st only two weeks away (!!!), Christine Smith’s “Know the Novel” linkup couldn’t have come at a better time! These questions were just the thing to boost my spirits—and my novel planning.