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DEAD MAGIC – I’m Published in Havok!

Hey, friends! Just popping in to say thatΒ if you haven’t heard yet, my story called Dead Magic is published on Havok’s website! YouΒ can go read it right HERE.
But remember, it’s available today only unless you’re a paid subscriber to Havok.
Hope you enjoy it! I’d love to interact with you in the comment section over there throughout the day. Tally ho!


  1. Emily G

    Wow, I love it! Makes me wonder what the heck Tami did to kill magic. xD And I can totally picture that whole scene in a movie.

  2. Liv K. Fisher

    OH MY GOODNESS, TRACEY. I loved Dead Magic so crazy much! I ADORE your worldbuilding, and just… I could FEEL the story and the emotions and the characters and bASICALLY YOU'RE A WRITING GENIUS. <333

    100% waiting for the day your novels make their way into the world. Also, I was totally checking Havok every day to see if your story was up. πŸ˜‰


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