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NaNoWriMo Log // Day 8-14

Well guys, we’re HALFWAY THROUGH NANOWRIMO. If you’re doing it too, how goes the writing? Week 2 was busier for me than the first week, so my word counts are a little lower. But a) things are still fun, and b) I’m in the muddy waters of unplotted story now, so yaaaay.

That was a bit of sarcasm right there.

I’m honestly not sure how much I remember about individual days—I had grandiose plans to keep a detailed log each day, but that’s just not happening—so we’ll see what kind of update this even is.

Day 8 // 434 words

I went to see a musical of Beauty and the Beast after work, so that’s why the word count is low. It was worth it, though, because one of my friends played Babette, the feather duster!

Day 9 // 2732 words

Saturdays are my catch-up-on-everything days, so while I did get in a solid writing session, it wasn’t quite as much as I wanted. From what I remember, the words dragged a bit.

Day 10 // 1800 words

I… remember nothing about how the writing went on Sunday. Whoops.

Animated GIF

Day 11 // 2787 words

The 11th was a holiday for Remembrance Day in Canada, so I had time for a lot more writing and broke 25k! Plus it was nice to balance the day with some reading and family time and even (gasp) a walk to stretch my legs.

Day 12 // 1353 words

Things were catching up to me on Tuesday! I don’t know how I managed to write anything, never mind over 1k.

donald duck sleeping GIF
This was me @ NaNo

Day 13 // 1053 words

Buuut as usual, I started to bounce back around this time. Also, the NaNo site finally decided to award me with my seven-day streak badge… only six days late. The site has been glitchy, but it’s been super fun to see all the charts and badges to mark my progress!

The fourteen-day badge came on time!

Day 14 // 461 words

This was a Stranger Things night with friends (ohmygoodness, I am not okay right now… more details to come in Subplots and Storylines!), so I basically just took fifteen minutes to write enough to keep my streak.

Week 2 Word Count: 10,620

Despite having some tired days, I’m happy with this week’s progress! The total word count (as of Thursday) was 29k!

I really should stop and clarify that, as much focus as the word counts get during NaNo, they’re NOT the be-all-end-all. For me, I’ve been learning a lot this month about pushing past uncertainty and perfectionism to just write words, no matter how they land. Are there big plot holes and info-dumpy dialogue and terribly paced fight scenes? You betcha. But it’s the messy magic of the first draft. The point is just to write, to stretch yourself, and to loosen up. Like Christine was saying a little while ago, we all have different lives, schedules, and writing styles… which means all of our Novembers are going to look DIFFERENT. So whatever your progress looks like, writer, I’m cheering for you!

Check-in time! How’s NaNo now that we’re halfway through?

P.S. I’m hoping to participate in Part 2 of Know the Novel soon… which means SNIPPETS are coming! 😀

P.P.S. WordPress is being incredibly glitchy at the moment, which is making it hard to draft posts. #sendhelp


    • Tracey Dyck

      THANK YOU, FAITH!!! <333 Sorry I'm only now getting around to replying--NaNo swallowed the last couple weeks of November, and life did the same to the first week of December. XD

  1. Christine Smith

    GIIIIRL. I don’t know how you go to a job staring at the computer every day and then still come home and write and stay AHEAD of the wordcount. YOU ARE JUST DOING SO AMAZING AND AM BEYOND PROUD!!!!!!

    Oh man, the site gave me my 7 day badge super late as well, and the 14th right away. It was something. XD Poor, Tracey, you’re having to deal with the brand new, glitchy site for your first NaNo. Hopefully by next year they’ll have everything smoothed out!

    (*is super honored to be mentioned* ^__^)

    YOU’RE DOING SO AMAZING!!!!! You totally got this!

    • Tracey Dyck

      AHHH, I’m getting to your comment super late, but THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH. <3 I'm hoping December slows down soon so I can take a nap. XD

      That's so weird. Hopefully they work out the glitches for next year, yes!

      *beams* <333

      THANKS AGAIN! Your encouragement helped so much.

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